Chapter 2

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Nadine's POV

"Are you serious? Oh come on!" I said while angrily looking at my brother, who until now, seems unaffected of my reaction towards his offer, he's still busy munching the bagels we ordered.

"Yes, I am. It's business, baby" that's all he can say. He put on his ray ban wayfarers and stood up, "I can see that you've already finished eating, let's go now. We have a flight, remember?"

He walked so fast that I can't keep up! I feel like he is irritated by my answer to his offer, and now I'm chasing him around the airport like a mad dog.

Larry just offered me a modelling contract, yes he actually owns a modelling agency in New York, hence the reason why he wanted me to come with him. I just learned all these things this morning while we are having a conversation during our light breakfast.

He didn't say a word after that, now the 1 hour 7 minutes flight from Cleveland to New York City seems like a century. I tried initiating a conversation with him, but, he always shut me up.

So, to kill time I just decided to read this "Sports Magazine" I'm not into sports, I can't even run a mile without complaining on how I can't breathe, I just don't have a choice since it's the only magazine available here, and everytime I try to talk, Larry will give me this dreadful look.

So, Jeremy Lin is one of the "Talk of the town" when it comes to the NBA, how come? I actually haven't heard of that guy before, yes I'm not into sports but I do knew a few athletes from the league such as Dwyane Wade, Kobe Bryant, Kevin Durant and of course Kobe Bryant. 

Since, I have nothing else to do, I read the article. I found out that this guy is undrafted (I don't even know what does that word means), he causes this worldwide phenomenon called "Linsanity" and he's from Harvard University. 

Impressive, he's a college graduate. I only finished high school cause I hated studying, right after high school I decided to work at my parents' flower shop........

Oh God! Not again, please don't make me remember about them.....about the past.

I continued reading the other articles in this sports magazine but I can't find the interest to finish reading them the same way that I finished the article about this "Jeremy Lin"

Well, maybe the article was just beautifully written that's why. But, whatever.

I closed the magazine and throw it to the sleeping passenger beside us. Yes, I can be mean sometimes.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have started our descent/in preparation for landing, please make sure your seat backs and tray tables are in their full upright position. Make sure your seat belt is securely fastened and all carry-on luggage is stowed underneath the seat in front of you or in the overhead bins. Please turn off all electronic devices until we are safely parked at the gate. The flight attendants are currently passing around the cabin to pick up any remaining cups and glasses."

Ok, fine. We've finally landed in New York City, the place where the future is bright........according to Larry.

"Hey, still mad at me?" I asked him as we took the cab, I think we're on our way to his condo unit.

He shrugged. "Let's talk about it at my place"

"Fine" I said

During the trip from the airport to Larry's condo, all I did was to look at the busy streets of New York. There are a lot of billboards of famous models. I feel like these models' careers are all handled by Larry's modelling agency since he kept on smirking as we passed through them.

Larry's condo is located at the 5th floor, I was actually expecting a small condo unit but I was wrong. Larry's condo is spacious enough for 6 people to sleep in. And I never thought that his place was this clean and organized.

Miss RelativismTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon