Chapter 3

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Nadine's POV

I was awaken by the sudden, blinding sunlight that surrounded my room. It turns out, Larry had opened the curtains.

"Larry? Oh come on! Give me some more time to sleep" I protested

"No, you'll undergo some major model training for a week, and it will start today" he commanded

"For a week? Only one week of training? Can I even learn from it?" I asked, my eyes are now closed and I'm still lying on my bed.

"Yes, one week is enough for you, because I do have a lot of connections in here so I can give you work even if you're not as experienced as the others and besides we're starting early today, so you get up there, now!" Larry said in a higher tone as he pulled me out of my bed.

And that's it, I now hated Larry Wilson. And I am right that nothing is worthwhile, everything else will fade, including love.

Ok, let's not exagerrate things here, I no longer feel in love with Larry because his attitude pisses me off big time but I still care about him cause he's still my brother after all. 

I am Miss Relativism, that's for sure

Jeremy's POV

"Good Morning passengers of flight 14 bound for New York! There will be a slight departure delay due to inclement weather outside. The ground crew is in the process of deicing the wings in preparation for departure. We should be boarding about a quarter to the hour. Thank you for your patience."

Fine, just fine. My day didn't start well, and now my flight to New York is delayed?! The world is testing my patience.

I decided to grab a cold drink from the airport's mini convenience store, I need to calm down myself, since this day has been full of bad luck.

Actually, I experienced three bad luck this morning, I know it's not too much, but it still is for me. First, I set my shower to a higher temperature, making me feel like taking a bath inside a volcano. Second, I got attacked by the paparazzis that I almost lost my balance. And third, I was accused of kidnapping a 3 year old child when all I really want is to help the child find his parents by accompanying him to the security office. I can still remember the horrified looks from the people who thought I really had the intention of kidnapping a child.

And now, the fourth bad luck for this day, my delayed flight. Wow, just wow.

"Lighten up bro" Ryan said while patting my back

"Yeah, lighten up it's just a delyed flight of ours" Kevin added

"Wait, what are you guys doing here?" I asked, I didn't know that they will also be leaving Houston today.

"We're going to New York with you" Ryan answered

"You're coming with me?" I asked

"Yes, we know you're going to that New York fashion week, so we'll go too" Kevin answered, Ryan nodded in agreement with what Kevin had said

"You guys are interested in that said fashion week?" I asked again

"Yeah, cause you know, it's the fashion week, there are models, ladies, ladies and more ladies!" Kevin said, while his eyes are twinkiling, no jokes.

"Well, ok then" I simply answered.

At least, I don't have to wait for my delayed flight alone, I have my two best buddies with me. 

Nadine's POV

Since it's only day one of my "Model Training" thing, we didn't do a lot of things. We just did some briefings, Larry's team introduced me to every aspect of the high fashion world, complete with a video and powerpoint presentation.

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