Chapter 6

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Jeremy's POV

"Dude, help me with Kev!" Ryan said, I almost jumped off the ground I'm standing, I'm having a bad night, really. And now, Kevin's too drunk to even walk? Ugh, this world is testing my patience!

 "What happened?" I asked Ryan as I help him carry Kevin towards the back seat of the car

"Too many drinks" Ryan said, "Are you alright bro?"

"Kinda, somebody ruined my mood" I replied as I closed the door and walked towards the driver's seat

"Why what happened?" Ryan asked me

"I'll tell you as we drive the way back to the hotel we're staying" I said. "Let's go"

Ryan went inside the car as well. As I started drving Kevin began talking.

"Party on! Party on!" Kevin said in his drunk voice

"He's kinda immature, right?" Ryan said laughing

"I think child at heart is the perfect description, somehow" I said

"By the way, what happened a while ago? I mean you were gone for about 45 minutes and then we saw you, I mean I saw you, since Kevin's too drunk to see you, I saw you being irritated" Ryan said

"I was put into trouble, wrong accusations" I replied shortly

"Wrong accusations? About what?" Ryan asked again

"You know that Larry Wilson, guy? The one we sat with during the fashion show? His sister is one of the models, and his sister being too drunk thought the car that Mike lend us was hers so she started attacking me" I narrated

"And then?" Ryan said, raising an eyebrow

"And then, since that model was too drunk, after attacking me, she fell asleep on my arms, the brother found us, hugging, and then he immediately thought that I was taking advantage of his siter's situation so he accused me of harrasing her, damn" I continue narrating.

As the scene flashbacks in my mind, it makes me feel more irritated. Never in my life have I been put in a situation like that. The worse is I wasn't able to fully explain my side. Damn those close minded people!


I went to the parking area to breathe some fresh air, I informed both Ryan and Kevin that I'll just be inside the car.

As I walked towards the direction of my car, I saw a woman, wearing a turquoise dress and holding a pair of black heels on her left hand, trying to get inside the car that Mike lend us.

"Excuse me Miss? But I think you're trying to enter the wrong car" I said

"No, this......this one's mine" she said. I feel like she's tipsy or greatly drunk

"No, this is my car" I said as I caught her by her waist just before she fell to the ground.

"You're trying to harass me, you pervert!" the girl shouted, this time I let go of her and gave her some distance

"What?! No way! I'm just saying that this is my car, so stay away!" I screamed back

"No! This is my car! Pervert!" she screamed again and this time she pushed me away, she's a lady so I wont try to push her back.

"Woah, calm down. You're drunk" I said

This time, she stopped pushing me and decided to hug me, instead.

"What are you doing? Wait!" that's all I can say."Miss? Wake up! Oh come on!" I tried removing her hands around me but I can't do it without using force.

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