Chapter 12

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Jeremy's POV

As my friends and I together with Nadine continued to jog around the creepy street here in Houston, I can't help but think about the scenario a while ago at the town house where all of us are currently staying.


I hate it when girls are too obvious with a guy, I hate it when they flirt just to get a guy's attention. I hate it.


Or I only hate it because it wasn't me she's flirting with?


Oh hell no! That's impossible.


I noticed that Ryan and Kevin are racing with each other and in just a few moments, Nadine and I can't keep up with them. Nadine stopped running as she tried catching her breath, I immediately grabbed her arm and lead her down to the other side of the road.


"Hey! Stop it! What the hell do you want?" she asked


I let go of her arm and faced her. "Stop flirting with Ryan"


"What? I'm not flirting!" she said


"You are" I said


"I'm not!" she said, then she suddenly smirk. "Ok, so what if I'm flirting? It's none of your business"


"It's my business as well, you're flirting with my friend!" I screamed


"You don't have to worry about it, it's not like I'm going to eat him up alive!" she screamed back


 "But what if you do?" I screamed back


"Wha-what?! Are you accusing me of being a monster? Seriously?" she said as her eyebrows lined together because of her great annoyance with the conversation that we are having, I find it amusing.


Wait, did I just said the word, Amusing? What is wrong with me


I sighed, "Ok, that's not what I meant"


"You know what, Jeremy? I actually thought that you're a nice guy, turns out, you're just like the rest." she said as she walked away from me. "Why is it so easy for people to judge?" she said as she was jogging away, she said in a audible tone for me to hear.


Ok, I made a mistake at that one.


First, I shouldn't have told her that she's flirting with my friend and she needs to stop because, in the first place, she might not be flirting with Ryan, she might be just being friendly and polite, which is rare nowadays. I mean being kind is so rare now that sometimes people mistakes it for flirting, which I just did a while ago with Nadine.


Second, did I just called her as someone who might eat a human person alive? Uh oh, that was insulting, I should've chosen the right words. Oh well, this is some serious problem in here. She might be insulted, no erase that, she was insulted by my sudden rage of words towards her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2014 ⏰

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