Chapter 10

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Jeremy's POV

I was awaken by the sudden light that surrounded my room, it was so bright. And it's already an indication that I should get up and took a shower for I will have a very busy day today. I wonder what time is it now?

I immediately look at my wrist watch that I forgot to remove from my left wrist last night.

7:30 am

Still early. Maybe I should allow myself another 15 minutes of sleep. Yes, I will. 

As soon as I closed my eyes to get my another fifteen minutes of sleep, the door of my room opened, and a man came in.

"Wake up, sleepy head! It's 7 am already! Let's go have some breakfast........." Kevin wasn't able to finish what he was about to say when he noticed something.

"What?" I asked, kinda irritated by the fact that I should be getting another fifteen minutes of sleep but he interrupted.

 He mouthed the words, "Oh my god!"

And since I didn't receive a reply from him, I decided to get up. And in that moment I realized that I'm not alone in my bed, there is someone else.

And this someone else is.......NADINE?

*clears throat* "Ok, I think you two had a good night so I won't bother interrupt, see ya at breakfast, food is waiting, and also you Nadine, good morning" Kevin awkwardly said before leaving.

I tried waking her up by slightly shaking her shoulders, and all I received were low toned moans. Seriously, what happened with her last night? What happened to the both of us last night?

Finally, after what seems like an eternity, she woke up. She wasn't surprised when she saw me next to her in the bed.

"Morning" she mumbled. "Sorry I disturbed you last night"

I raised an eyebrow at her, she doesn't seem bothered by our situation, it feels like she's already used to this kind of things. "Did there something sexual happened between the two of us, last night?" I asked

She smiled, stood up and got off the bed, she gently ran her fingers through her hair and faced me again.

 "What do you think?" she said before walking out of my room.

And then I was left sitting on the bed, dumbfounded. This girl is very unpredictable and CHALLENGING. 

"Hey, dude! Breakfast is waiting for you! Let's eat!" Kevin's said as he walked inside my room. "Or else you're on a skinny model's diet and wanted to skip eating, well I might as well stop bothering you"

"What do you think happened last night here? Between Nadine and I?" I asked

"Duh! Homerun!" he said as he walked out of the room. "By the way, if you still insist on staying inside your room, then fine! I'll just ate all the bacons!"

Wait, did he just said the word, bacon? Oh I'm coming to the breakfast table ASAP!

"Good morning, Jeremy!" I was greeted by that for about 10 times this morning, no make it 9 cause Nadine's words doesn't count cause she only said the word, 'morning' to me.

"Good morning" I greeted back as I sat down, beside Kevin, of course, and Nadine's on my right too.

"Good morning" she whispered

I slighly elbowed her side as I whispered back, "Tell me"

"Tell you what?" she whispered again

"What happened last night?" I asked, making the tone of my voice even lower, lower than a whisper, probably the closest thing next to mute.

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