Chapter 11

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Nadine's POV

"Cookies, you want?" Ryan asked me. I gotta admit, I actually feel more comfortable with him than with Kevin and Jeremy, I don't know why, but yeah that's it.

"Thanks" I said as I get the cookie from him.

I just found out that unlike Jeremy and Kevin who are Chinese-American, Ryan's Japanse-American but he was born and raised here in US. 

I absolutely adore his chinky eyes, and the slightly toussled hair of his, I also like the shape of his face and the way his lips move whenever he speaks. And I swear to good heavens, this guy has the sexiest sense of humor ever! We just met today but he already told me a lot of funny stories about him and his friends (Jeremy and Kevin). 

My personal favorite is the one where Jeremy and Ryan made Kevin packed their things as a punishment for puking on them and while Kevin is doing the packing thing they hid their clothes around the hotel room so the result, Kevin spent almost 2 hours in packing their things.

"And the best part of it was he's really pissed off" Ryan continued narrating

"Of course he will! Who wouldn't anyway? I can't imagine you guys can do such thing!" I said as I slightly taps Ryan's shoulder

"It entertains us in some way" Ryan said

"Oh come on, tell me more!" I said laughing.

The moment Ryan and I are laughing is also the time Jeremy went inside the living room, holy mother of chessy nachos, he's shirtless! I mean Jeremy Lin is HALF NAKED! BREAKING NEWS!

My jaws almost drop with that sight.

Oh, wait, did I just said that?

Oh, come on. erase, erase!

"What are you guys up to?" he asked

"Oh nothing much, we're just sharing some stories here, wanna join us bro?" Ryan asked

"Ryan's a good story teller" I told Jeremy as I put my arm around Ryan's shoulder again. I don't know why, but I just feel so comfortable with him, and also I'm trying to look like I'm flirting so I can get Jeremy's attention

"Yeah, I just hope he's not telling some lies about me" Jeremy said. "Ryan, can I borrow your way farers? I wanted to take a jog around and the sun's shining so bright"

"Sure, bro!" Ryan said.

And then Jeremy left without another word. I don't know why but I feel disappointed. I mean, why didn't he scolded my obvious flirty moves towards Ryan? Why? I just wanted him to feel jealous anyway.

Wait, why the hell would I want Jeremy to feel jealous? What is he to me? Oh damn!

I'm so confused!

"Nadine? Are you even listening?" Ryan said, bringing me back to the reality

"Oh, yeah I'm sorry. What is it again? You're saying something?" I asked. I feel like my cheeks heated up from embarassment. Ryan was actually telling me another story and I'm too busy with my Jeremy Lin thoughts to pay attention to him.

"So as I was saying, with the three of us, Jeremy is the most serious. Even in the simplest things, he'll be serious about it" Ryan said

"Like what?" I asked

"Like when he lost that neckalce or cross pendant thing of his, he gets emotional" Kevin chimed in, I don't know where the hell did he came from by the way. He sat on the floor to face Ryan and I, "So, you guys just gonna sit here all day?"

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