Chapter 8

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Jeremy's POV

"So, Jeremy? How's it going?" asked the paparazzi

"Jeremy are you going to the All Star next year?" ask the other one

I only give them all the cold treatment. I don't want to entertainment any questions from them, they just keep on invading my privacy and I really think they should all get real jobs instead of stalking people for money, cause it's pathetic.

As soon as I saw my car on the car park, I immediately went inside and buckled up.

"What? No hi, no hello from you? Aww man!" said the other paparazzi

"Have a safe trip man" said the other

"Thanks" I replied. "Ya'all too, take care"

To lighten up my mood, I turned the sound system of my car to listen some good ole tune. I was in a good mood a while ago inside the gym, the people there let me handle my business. Of course there are some who will approach me for a photo which I gladly entertain, but yeah that's it. they didn't interrupt me or bother me with a lot of questions.

A total opposite compared to how the paparazzis treated me a while ago as I was on my way to my car. They almost shove their cameras on my face, they're pushing each other just to get a glance of me and they keep on throwing me questions here and there. And I don't like it.

I hate how they want to know every single thing about me, I hate how they want to capture every single thing that I'm doing, I hate how they'll just keep on flashing their cameras on me even if all I'm doing is to breath. I hate it.

Just because you're famous doesn't mean you'll be happy, cause it's not. How can you be happy and actually live your life if there are people who wont leave you at peace? 

The way the media harasses famous personalities is like the way a pathetic, bitter ex girlfriend will do. They will stalk you all they want, and it's so goddamn frustrating!

"Kevin? Can you just call me later? I'm driving" I said as I answered his call through the ear device I attached in my left ear. Although it's not actually keeping my hands from driving, I don't want to talk cause I might get distracted.

"Oh come on dude! Don't be such a pussy! I'm just going to tell you something!" he said

"Then, what is it?" I asked

 "Are you going somewhere else today?" he asked

"Yeah, I just hit the gym, I'm pallning to visit the Rockets home court to practice my shooting skills" I said as I stopped the car because of the traffic

"Nah, forget about it for a while! Just go straight to the address I'm going to tell ya bro"

"And why should I?" I said as I grabbed my other phone, I received a text from Ryan.

"Because, weeks ago you promised to return a favor, remember? Remember?" Kevin keep on bothering me

"What is it?" I asked as I read Ryan's text

From: Ryan

Yow guys! I'm here in LA, want me to bring home something?

"By the way, Ryan's in LA and he's asking us if we want him to buy us something when he gets back, what do you want?" I asked Kevin

"Oh, the special bread from that bakery in downtown LA, our favorite....."

"Pan de coco?" I asked, I can still remember the first time we had it, it was my sister's challenge for us to eat bread that are not familiar with us but in the end we like it, and now everytime we visited LA we will make sure to grab some of it.

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