Chapter Twelve, A New Courtship

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  • Dedicated to Emma

Chapter Twelve, A New Courtship

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Chapter Twelve, A New Courtship

Sirius sighed and shook his head as he saw Artemis walking down the stairs carrying Teddy. "Pup, what are you doing? You know you're not allowed to carry Teddy down the stairs or at all really now that you'll be six months pregnant in a few days."

Artemis looked down at her dad as he was standing at the bottom of the stairs. "Sorry dad everyone is downstairs and I didn't want to be a bother," Artemis said sheepishly. Sirius sighed and walked up the stairs to meet her.

"You know you're never a bother pup. Not to me, not to anyone in this house, next time send a Patronus to one of us when you want to come downstairs so we can help you, we're just looking out for you we don't want you losing your balance and falling down the stairs," Sirius said as he took Teddy from her and kissed her forehead.

"I know dad. I'm sorry I'll ask next time I promise, I guess I just have some things still ingrained into me from my childhood, but I'll ask next time I promise," Artemis swore.

"I know you will. Now come on let's get you, Cassie and this little monster some food before you go to school. Oh and before I forget, Apolline got back to me when you went to bed last night, she spent most of yesterday in a meeting with the Veela Council and they said that Apolline can come over and observe your first bond with Jasper she'll be arriving later this afternoon and staying in one of the spare rooms," Sirius said hugging his daughter.

"Thanks dad," Artemis smiled as she hugged her dad the best she could with her large stomach getting in the way.

"Hey," Sirius said seeing the look on Artemis' face when she couldn't hug him properly. Sirius adjusted his hold on Teddy and gently lifted Artemis' chin up so she looked him directly in the eye. "None of that okay. You are my precious little girl and I will not have you putting yourself down like that okay. And I know you love little Cassie as much as you love Teddy, I see it on your face every time she moves and I am so proud of you as is Arthur and Andy as you had every right to not want this baby considering the circumstances in which she was conceived but you love her unconditionally, and for that I am so proud of you. So I don't want you to say or even to think about you being fat because you're not your just carrying my little granddaughter and your body is stretching to make it more comfortable for her so no more of you thinking like that alright?" Sirius said wiping the tears that had run down his daughter's face.

"Alright dad, I love you." Artemis smiled; Sirius placed a loving kiss on her forehead and returned her sentiments before they carried on with their journey down the stairs.


As Artemis was switching off the engine; she felt a presence beside her door of the car and smiled knowing immediately it was Jasper. Unbuckling her seat belt and straightening out her dark blue hooded jumper (well Jasper's jumper.) She turned and looked out of the front passenger seat window and saw Fred and George already selling their joke products which they had modified to be suitable for Muggles and were being helped by Draco who liked the twins' products when they weren't used on him. Smiling softly and shaking her head Artemis turned back to Jasper to see he already had the door open for her and was holding her satchel.

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