Misaki Yata {K Project}

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You were sitting at the bar while all of the boys bickered behind you. You were in charge but couldn't quite keep your calm around them. "That's it I'm going for a walk. Yata, you're in charge" you said harshly. "What why me I don't want to babysit these idiots" he said to you quietly, while fighting down a blush. Luckily you knew just how to fix his blushing around you. Challenge him. "What's wrong, can the big, bad Yata not watch some kids?" you said in a teasing tone. His blushing immediately stopped, "no, I just don't want to have to be around them" "fine. Rikio, you're in charge. Yata, you're coming with me" and with that you left the bar while Yata attempted to catch up to you.

"How do I always end up following you like a lost puppy" Yata murmured. "That's because you are. And I'm so awesome it's an honor to be around me. Really you're lucky I let you follow me" you countered. "Yeah right" Yata said while laying his skateboard down. "You wanna race to the bar to see who's better? Winner makes loser do whatever they want. Ready, set, go!" he rushed out before you could say anything. You were a very fast runner, the only problem was distance. You started running and thankfully the bar wasn't that far from where you were. About half way there you spotted Yata freestyling and whizzed past him. All he saw was a blur of (h/c) go by and he thought nothing of it until a few seconds later. By the time he caught up again you were only about 20 feet from the bar. He noticed you stopped and were panting heavily with your hands on your knees.

"(y/n)? You okay there, you don't look to-" before he could finish you fell over and he just barely made it in time to catch you. He brought you inside the bar and laid you on the couch.

When you woke up the first thing you saw was little Anna dabbing your forehead with a wet washcloth. The next thing you saw was Yata pacing behind her. "What got you all worked up" you questioned. He stopped mid step to look at you. "Me? Me? What's got me worked up? Well only someone I care about passed out right in front of me! Now what was that" his voice rose in the middle then lowered to a soft whisper. "It's okay Yata, that happens whenever I run. I have asthma." Yata was quiet for awhile, then he practically jumped on top of you. "Why didn't you freaking tell me? I would have never raced you. You could've been in serious trouble and it would've been all my fault" he blubbered. "Okay, Yata. First, get off of me. Second, there's a reason I never told you guys, it's because you would treat me differently. Third, I still need to get back to my apartment." There was a stop in his sniffing and his head shot right up, "you can't be serious, after all that you still want to walk home? No, I'm giving you a ride." "On what all you have is your skateboard," you saw a small blush come to his face. "Exactly, now hop on" he said. You ended up on his back with a blush on both of your cheeks.

"Alright, it's this one" you said hopping off his back and making your way to the apartment building. Without turning around you said, "thanks for the ride Yata, I had fun." As you started to make your way back you heard him call you. "(Y/n), you-you can call me Misaki. If you want" he said quietly. "I like it, as long as it's only me that's allowed to call you that"

Let's just say, you were the only one allowed to say a lot of things to your Misaki.

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