Mahiru Shirota {Servamp}

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Soulmate AU- the name of your soulmate is tattooed on your wrist.

I need to find him. I know his name is Mahiru Shirota. I don't know much else. My wrist has his name on it, and I found out that means he's my soulmate. He must also have my name on his wrist, then I can ask him what it is; I can't remember it. I suddenly bumped into something very sturdy. Wait someone, again. I always bump into people.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't watching where I was going or paying attention because I was looking for my soulmate and now I started rambling and I should probably shut up now." The man I was apologizing to was tall with long green hair and it looked like he had a school uniform on, the name tattooed on his wrist looked like it had faded away long ago. I guess he saw the name on my wrist because he asked me an unexpected question.

"You're looking for Mahiru Shirota? He's just around the corner here," the man said while pointing to a building with his thumb. My heartbeat quickened with hopes of finally learning my own name. I went to thank the man but I couldn't see him anywhere, when did he leave?

Without thinking too much, I ran across the street to the building where I could find out my name. When I got there, I saw another guy with blonde hair and asked him for further directions. He pointed out a guy with brown hair and soft brown eyes. Said male looked over and started walking towards us.

"Hey man, who's this?" His voice was soft and calming, it even started to contain the excitement of learning my own name.

"I don't know, someone looking for you" he stated and walked away. Mahiru turned to me, "So who are you?"

"I- I'm not sure... I can't remember anything" I said, suddenly feeling very shy. He looked pretty upbeat before, but I think I just brought down his mood. "Hey, we could go on a walk in town and get to know each other. Well as much as we can anyways" he said with a smile.

~Later that night~

"So I guess you really can't remember anything can you?"

"Nope, everything is just a big blank"

We were walking past a bunch of stores just before sunset and talking when some street magician came out of nowhere. It's not that uncommon of a thing to happen I guess, we just kept walking. When I turned to the side to asked Mahiru the name of his soulmate, I noticed a black cat on his shoulder.

"Aww, what a cute kitty," I completely forgot everything I was going to ask and pet the cat on Mahiru's shoulder.

"Finally someone sees it" the cat purred and nuzzled into my touch. "And he talks too, how cute." By the look I was given by Mahiru, I should've been reacted differently.

After that, everything happened so fast. The magician started freaking out, it started raining, and some weird guy started walking towards us as everything else disappeared from sight.

"Well, well, well, looks like the eve found a friend. We can't have that happening or else big brother might feel left out." In the next second I was on the ground, but it felt like I was in a warm bath. Of course that feeling was caused by the blood surrounding me from a gash on my side. I didn't feel the gash, and the only thing I heard was Mahiru yelling something to me. I couldn't tell what he was saying and I was so tired. When I opened my eyes again from drowsiness, the last thing I saw was Mahiru put my head in his lap and staring wide-eyed at my wrist. Then my eyes closed again as eternal sleep took over my unmoving body.


I never thought I would be back... I looked around to see I was no longer on the bloodied street, but sitting on lush green grass. Leaning back, my hand ran over something cold and smooth. It was a gravestone hidden slightly by the grass, I was in a graveyard. "Ophelia, I wonder if she is pretty. Well, was." My thoughts were interrupted by a sniffle not too far away. Mahiru was crouched and looking to the earth in front of his feet, Kuro on his shoulder.


I never thought I would be back... I looked up and Mahiru was nowhere to be found. I wasn't on the bloodied street like I remembered, I was laying on a bed and covered with a blanket. The room didn't seem to be a hospital but there wasn't really anything of interest either. The only thing to catch my eye was a cracked mirror sitting in the corner.

Overcome by curiosity, I walked to the mirror for a peak at myself. I don't know what I expected. I had the same (h/c) hair, the same red eyes-

Wait, my eyes weren't red........

(A/N) Honestly this is really half-assed and lazy but I wanted to get it out of my progress folder. I leave the endings up to you.

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