Prussia/Gilbert {Hetalia}

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For lookbehindthecurtain who's been bugging me to write this forever

(Y/N) was sitting on her ass at home, waiting for Francis and Toni to come pick her up. The guys said they would take the girl somewhere fun and she agreed, as long as they didn’t get too perverted. Not soon enough to cure her boredom, the two idiots waltzed into (Y/N)’s house and dragged said poor girl away, refusing to reveal where they were going.

“We’re here amiga,” Toni said as he opened the car door. Looking around, (Y/N)’s eyes widened as her sight was consumed with colorful lights and caught a whiff of a sugary heaven. In the distance there was a bright ferris wheel that towered above everything else in sight.

“Wow,” (Y/N) breathed out. “Thanks guys, I don’t know what could make this any better.” The girl almost whispered to her male companions.

“Well, ma cherie, we could always invite a few more certain people and-” Francis started to say.

“Amigo, (Y/N) left. I don’t know where she went” Toni interrupted the Frenchman. In response to the news, Francis sighed and brought out his phone. A few rings later and someone picked up.

“Votre petite amie est ici (Your girlfriend is here). Come to the fair.” After Francis hung up, he gave Toni a knowing look and they split up in search of the missing girl. A few minutes later and the Frenchman ran into an angry Prussian.

“Mon amie, there you are,” the Frenchman was nearly tackled to the ground by his albino friend. “What was all that about? I told you a thousand times! (Y/N) IS NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!” The quiet distraught Gilbert yelled.

“Whatever you say~” Francis giggled. Gilbert ran off towards the concession stand and saw a familiar (H/C) haired girl at a nearby game booth. She was talking to the worker and he appeared to be flirting with her. The worst part, she was flirting back. Stomping his way over, Gilbert grabbed a confused (Y/N) and dragged her away.

“What are you doing? Gil let go” (Y/N) said agitatedly. Silently refusing to let go, Gil brought (Y/N) back to his car and took her to his house. His sent a text to Toni and Francis earlier telling them he found (Y/N) and was leaving.

“GILBERT BEILSCHMIDT! If you do not tell me what you think you’re doing in the next 10 seconds then-”

“Then what (Y/N)? There’s nothing to say. The only thing was you flirting with some carnival jackass, you’re lucky mein awesomeness saved you.”

“Saved me? SAVED ME!? I WAS PERFECTLY FINE UNTIL YOU DRAGGED ME AWAY FROM THAT CUTE GUY” (Y/N) started yelling. Her face was starting to turn red with anger.

    “CAN’T YOU SEE HE WAS GOING TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOU!” Gilbert mirrored, turning equally red from frustration.

    “TCH, WHY CAN’T YOU UNDERSTAND IT? HE WAS A NICE GUY!” (Y/N) blew up and screamed. The (H/C) haired girl had enough of her friend’s antics.

“I WISH YOU WERE STILL LOST IN THAT CROWD!” The self-proclaimed Prussian screamed back, immediately regretting it. His fance showed guilt and as he was about to apologize-

    “Calling- Liebe” a robotic voice called out, followed by a ringing from Gilbert’s pocket. After the second it takes to process what's happening, Gilbert scrambles to end the call as (Y/N) starts calming down.

Earlier events forgotten, (Y/N) was shocked to hear her phone start ringing with the personalized ringtone set for Gil. Gilbert on the other hand was putting Toni's special tomatoes to shame.






(A/N) I was procrastinating this too much and got lazy with the end (obviously) If Kai want me to rewrite the ending, I will.

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