Oikawa Tooru {Haikyuu!!}

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It was just a normal Saturday afternoon in the Oikawa household. Tooru had already gotten home after his volleyball practice for the day. He sat on the stool ready to text Iwazumi about a project they had to work on. After Oikawa picked up his phone he dropped it in surprise from his sudden visitor.

(Y/N) had jumped in through the window, "I need your help." Oikawa fell backwards onto his bed in surprise.

"...Or maybe you need help getting up first," (Y/N) laughed as she reached out an arm to pull the boy off the ground. Oikawa brushed any dirt from his body and looked at his intruder. After seeing her smiling face he could do nothing but give in.

"So what was it you needed help with?" Oikawa looked (down/straight/up) at the girl. "Well I kinda made a bet..." She rubbed the back of her neck and seemed to wonder if this was really a good idea.

"And why would your bet involve me? What happens if I say no?" The girl looked down at her shoes and thought about jumping back out of the window, but Oikawa's stare had her pinned to the spot.

"You have to pretend to be my fake boyfriend for halloween? Heh" she laughed nervously, seeing the window as a pretty good escape option right about now. "Please don't say no," she mumbled after remembering his words.

"Fine, I'll do it. And I won't ask about the bet either. Just know that you owe me one." He grins at the thought of what 'favor' (Y/N) could do later.

"I'm gonna regret this, aren't I? It's a deal." (Y/N) wondered what chore or embarrassing act she would have to do later. The last time she owed Oikawa, he got her a job at a maid cafe and brought the whole volleyball team to go visit her. Every. Single. Day.

"I think we should only have to go as far as hugging and holding hands at a party later. It should be believable enough." The ground rules were set with the bottom line being, no kissing. (Y/N) wanted her first kiss with someone special and Oikawa respected that.

At said party, the music shaking the whole house and seemed to make the many bodies only squish closer together. (Y/N) had worn a casual outfit that looked pretty cute. On the other hand, Oikawa looked like a fashion disaster. He was wearing red plaid shorts, high socks, a volleyball shirt, and a red jacket. Safe to say he was told to wear a pair of dark jeans before they actually got there.

No one had thought she would actually go to the party at all, let alone with a boyfriend. Anybody in 'the fanclub' that was there had wanted to believe their Oikawa was dating (Y/N).

As most parties do, it eventually led to truth or dare. The game was mostly made up of girls hoping for the bottle to point at Oikawa during their turn. (Y/N) noticed that her 'date' kept picking truth and kept being asked "Would you date me right now?" Thankfully he kept up the boyfriend act and said "I am always loyal and care about (Y/N) very much." When the girls (Y/N) made a bet with heard the last part, they looked defeated.

One of the few males in the circle landed the bottle on Oikawa. "Tru-"

"Oikawa Tooru, don't you dare say truth to me," surprisingly, it was Iwazumi at the party, playing a party game and being social. Oikawa let out a sigh and gave into his friend's glare. Just the defeated look on Oikawa's face was enough of an answer.

"I dare you to kiss your girlfriend," (Y/N) had never been properly introduced to Iwazumi so even he was skeptical. As a pink hue spread across (Y/N)'s cheeks, Oikawa managed to keep his cool as he leaned over to the girl next to him. Lifting her chin upwards, he met her mouth with his own in a gentle kiss. That seemed to cease all suspicions for now and the party was declared over.

I loved being Tooru's girlfriend, even with the fangirls. Too bad it was only for today.The 'couple' walked outside and Oikawa turned to (Y/N). He looked down and scratched his cheek nervously.

"Listen, being with you like this was really fun, could I... maybe...be your boyfriend every day of the year?" He kept his head down and couldn't see the excitement spread across his friend's face. Oikawa was scared of his best female friend rejecting him and being stuck in the friend zone, that is if they were still talking after tonight. (Y/N) raised his head as she vigorously nodded hers up and down. Simultaneously, both people minimized the space between them in a close hug.

"You said I still owe you one right?" (Y/N) asked later that evening.

"Well actually two since I did also steal your first kiss just to keep up the act." Even though it would normally be the other way around, (Y/N) was grateful of everything Tooru did for her.

"Okay, what do you want?" The previous position of cuddling on the couch was no longer comfortable for (Y/N) as she shifted around. When she turned back she was met with a smirk on her boyfriends face.

"I want your second and third kiss."


"You can never get a boyfriend" One girl said to (Y/N).

"And why is that?" (Y/N) asked curiously, she was just an average girl. If half the bitches at her school could get dates, so could she.

"Because you're such a loner," another girl on the sidewalk chimed in. It is true that (Y/N) didn't go to very many parties or socialize much, but that seems normal.

"To prove it, I'll get the best boyfriend." The girl in the center wore a smirk on her face, already thinking of a certain someone.

"What could possibly make him the best?" The first girl questioned again.

"And don't you dare say because he just is." The girls were busy flipping their hair or looking in a mirror to notice the look on (Y/N)'s face.

"He'll be the best because he cares about me."

I only actually write when I'm bored or have a 'fantastic' idea, then Kai edits it. With this method it usually takes a while to get new one shots up so please understand. 

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