Daze {Kind of Confidential}

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Written 12/16/17 - before episode 35
Name- (Y/N) (L/N)
Affiliation- Works under Hero Headquarters aka HHQ
Power- Immunity
Power description- No other powers will have a direct effect on her or anything she touches, however physical objects she isn’t touching can still be manipulated
(I could go on a whole rant to describe this power but I’ll keep it short)

“That was so stupid of me. WHY DID I DO THAT?” What was supposed to be a completely normal lunch ended with me being chased all the way back to my apartment. Actually, I never got food so I guess my lunch started like this.

*record scratch* *freeze frame*

“Yup, that’s me. You’re probably wondering how I got in this situation.”

Well all I did was visit the restaurant on the corner. Most of my friends have recently been bugging me to go there, even saying it was to check out some cute guy. My friends basically bully me since I’ve always been single, but I just don’t have the time for anything with my work.

Before I even managed to get my foot in the door I heard a woman pronounce loudly, “everything in here sparkles.” Taking a look around for myself, the small space was a complete…….. mess.

Mysterious stains covered the floor and it looks like spilled tea from a month ago was covering the counter top. After tearing my eyes away from the disaster, I saw a boy behind the counter with white hair and glowing green eyes. I immediately knew it was him who changed what everyone saw...or thought? I wasn’t too sure what his power was yet.

Without my brain processing anything, my stupid mouth moved on its own and shouted “SUPER VILLAIN”. The boy my comment was directed at automatically whipped his head towards the door where I once stood. My feet had already moved on their own to quickly leave. I started jogging back down the street to my apartment.

“And that’s where we left off.”

As I turn on my street I spot a speck of white speeding towards me. I yelp and try to run a little faster to the building in my view. I finally make it up to my door at the end of the hall and fumble with my house key mixed in with all my work keys. Of course, that was my fatal mistake. What was a white speck earlier was now a slim but toned body towering over me, trapping me against my door. I froze in my place with a slight shake to my hand.

“Open the door, let’s take this inside.” Out of pure fear for what could happen I unlock the door and slowly walk inside with the unnamed boy close behind me. Without him noticing, I hit the small button on my communicator to send out a distress signal.

“Now, how did you know who I was?” As if he didn’t seem intimidating before, now I’m really scared.

“You don’t look like any of the heros I’ve ever worked with before.” I tried to sound confident in my words but my fear was seeping into every inch of my being. The male seemed to slightly back off when he heard I worked with heros but regained his composure once something crossed his mind.

He started staring deeply into my eyes. Eventually it got a little awkward and he looked more than a little frustrated.

“Why won’t it work on you?” He grit his teeth together. Just to get his anger across he backed me into the wall and pinned my hands above my head.

“It’s not like you’re Rena who can tell when I use my powers. You can completely see past them.” I gulped down my fear to establish my point.

“I know Rena, she’s a good person. If she trusts you then I will too.” Despite the shakiness in my voice being gone I squeezed my eyes closed out of fear.

“Would you really be dumb enough to trust me that easily?” Contradicting his words, he loosens his grip on my wrists and lets them fall back to my sides quietly.

“Since that’s over, can I at least know your name? I’m (Y/N)” Ignoring the doubtful look he was giving me, I stuck out my hand to him. “Daze.” After a short talk about Rena and some off topic arm wrestling, someone started urgently knocking at the door.

I was standing up to answer the door when it was just thrown open instead. Even though the landlord might charge me for that, I couldn’t be mad when I saw Zenith at the door. He is one of my closest friends.

“(Y/N) is everything okay? What happened? I’m sorry I couldn’t be here right when I got your distress signal.” Zen grabbed my shoulders and shook me like the over dramatic child he really is. Zen froze for a moment before backing up while looking behind me. Over my shoulder was Daze giving him a not too welcoming stare.

“(Y/N) who is that?” They both asked in unison. I looked to Zen, then back at Daze. I couldn’t reveal that he was a villain that chased me home, in the short time I’ve known him he seems like a genuinely pleasant person to be around. Regardless of the tension that could be cut with a knife I decided to introduce them.

“Zen this is Daze, Daze this is my colleague and personal friend Skyboy.” Maybe it wasn’t all true but what Zen doesn’t know can’t hurt him. Daze seemed to get the just of what I was doing since he pulled my back into his chest and rested his head on my shoulder.

“But you sent a distress signal from your communicator.” Even with his soft hair tickling my neck, I felt like Daze might rip out my neck at any minute now if I slipped up and told Zen anything. Swallowing my dignity, my face turned red as I couldn’t believe what I was about to say.

“Yeah, sorry about that. My boyfriend and I were… uh, y’know… we must have hit the communicator.” Zen was dense, but he understood enough to turn a shade of strawberry red. Anyone could tell it just got really awkward and he was itching to leave.

“Well I uh, hope you two have fun. I’ll just go now. Oh and I’ll pay for the door, (Y/N).” The things I do to cover for this attractive guy I just met today. I pat one of Daze’s hand that had wrapped around my waist as a signal that he could let go and leave. Instead, he wrapped his arms tighter around me and pulled me closer.

“I can’t make a good girl like you a liar now, can I?”

Skyboy and Daze belong to Vivian Darlin. Please go support the original author on webtoons! ~Sky

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