Lawless/Hyde {Servamp}

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Kuro and Lawless are my babes (but I favor Kuro whoops more Lawless for you guys)

“Like a cold breeze, on a hot summer's day. It was so refreshing and new”

-Reader’s POV-

My life used to be so normal and simple, it was the same routine everyday. Until I decided to go out of my way and take care of a little lost hedgehog.

I wasn’t expecting my simple life to become so complicated so soon.

“What are you thinking about, Beauty-chan?” A boy with red glasses and blond hair (save for the black spots he constantly re-dyes) asked me.

“I was thinking about how different my life is from before I met you, and where I’d be now if I hadn’t.” Before I had met the greedy vampire my life was simple, but it was also very depressing doing the same thing everyday of your life. It was boring and Lawless gave me an excitement I severely needed. Out of the corner of my eye a dash of pink had appeared on the boy’s cheeks. And like a switch flipped, he went from cute to teasing in a second.

“Aww, how cute. Does Beauty-chan have feelings for me?” He came really close to my face and lowered his voice at the last part. He was about an inch away and whispering in my ear at that point.

“YOU DAMN HEDGEHOG I TOLD YOU TO STOP CALLING ME BEAUTY-CHAN! And I do feel annoyed when you’re near me” I felt vein grew on my forehead as I pushed his face away so the space between us could stay ‘professional’. While he was complaining about being ‘rejected by his Beauty-chan’, my lips curled into a small smile as one thought ran through my head.

‘Damn, he was on the dot. I do have feelings for that idiot.’

“I would start calling you Juliet, but I’d prefer if we didn’t die just yet”

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