Nagare Hisui {K Project}

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We were at a party both dragged there by nagging friends. I saw him across the room-- he was the new guy at work and we hadn't gotten to talk much before that night. We bonded as we both left the chaos.

We escaped into a park illuminated by glowing-gold fairy lights.

Was it love at first sight? I thought, Is he my soulmate?

We kissed under the moonlight and for one perfect moment the world stopped and the stars aligned--

Yeah, okay, that never really happened.

I probably spent too much time imagining how I would meet The One™, the perfect guy. I thought it would be a typical meet-cute scenario like the ones you see in books and TV and movies. I wanted a heart-warming (or wrenching) story to tell my friends and family; something that would make even the most tough-as-nails individuals go 'aw'. Honestly, that was just wishful thinking.

The real story went something like this:

"Shit, shit, shit, fuck!" I slammed my hand down on my phone but the alarm kept buzzing. I didn't have time for this.

Got up. Got dressed. Left-- Ten minutes, total.

I attempted to eat a protein bar as I rushed down the icy sidewalk. I slid-- just barely managed to catch myself before I fell over. I needed to call my boss to tell him that I'd be late. I reached into my pocket and...

...My phone was still at home. Great. Just fucking perfect--

My feet went out from under me as I stepped on more ice.

That's it, I give up on life. Let the sidewalk eat me alive--

Luckily for me, I landed safely. But... the man in the wheelchair behind me didn't have a good of fortune. I was ever so graceful with my landing right on his lap. So awkward. I might as well have been that sidewalk since I was frozen and couldn't move.

"Hi," I said, dazed. "I'm sorry."

"Hi." He said significantly less so. "I'm Nagare."

Behind us, a taller, older, man said: "So, when's the wedding?"

(And if I'm being honest it only got stranger from there.)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2018 ⏰

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