2P America/Allen {Hetalia}

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The first time I saw him-


“You might as well give up now, short girls are so lame” some random jerk yelled from across the library. All I did was try to reach for my book and I ended up knocking down another. The only way this could be more cliché is for a cute guy to get it for me, ‘as if that would actually happen.’

Whispering curses for my height and genetics, an arm actually reaches past mine and grabs the book I wanted.

The Dragon Tamer*, what's this shit about?” The ‘cute’ guy leaning over me could be better described as hot, but he's not my type. He had a white shirt and a bomber jacket, some ripped jeans, piercings, and sunglasses resting on top of his red hair. ‘That cowlick is cute, but he smells like weed.’

“I don’t know what it’s about, that’s why I was going to read it.” I gave him a ‘duh’ look while he was staring holes into the now (semi) lowered book. “Can I go check it out now?”

Without even glancing up from my book he said, “I thought you were already checking me out.” He gave this (hot) stupid smirk and looked down at me again.

“Down boy, give me the book now.” At this rate I would be stuck in the library with him after it closed. “Wow I didn’t think you would be into that kind of thing but okay.” I decided not to respond to his comment when he gently plopped the book onto my head. While walking away, he yelled for my number but I just kept moving forward.

The next time I saw him-

I was sitting in my usual café, another of the few places I would be found, and reading the book I recently got. The bell over the door shook and the cause of it was #SH00K to see me.

“DOLLFACE! THERE YOU ARE BABE!” I looked up to see the guy from the library coming closer, while another girl dressed in the bare minimal leaves in tears. While the tan male sits down a waitress with purple hair covering one eye comes over. “I’ll be taking your orders today, do you want the usual (Y/N)?” Since I’m here so much most of the staff knows me by name. Nodding a yes, the waitress turns to my uninvited guest. “And for you sir?”

“I’m pretty sure waitresses are supposed to give their names, and I’d like to order you, to go please.” I let out a scoff but quickly recalled why this girl was one of my closest friends, “I’m sorry, my name’s Touka. So for you that will be a soy ass-whooping with a restraining order?”

I covered my mouth in an attempt to muffle my chuckles. Touka walked away to get some drinks and something occurred to me, “Funny how you ask for her name but I didn’t even get yours.”

“Huh, I never gave you my name? Well you can just call me babe.” He finished off with a wink. “I am not going to call you babe,” I said releasing a scoff.

“If you don’t call me babe, you’ll just have to say daddy.” I was about to come back and possibly slap him but I stopped when Touka started setting our drinks on the table. After apologizing to Touka for the male I decided to leave. I put the lid on my to go cup I usually get and stood up to leave. The boy mumbled something, defeated in whatever game he was playing. I tilted my head to show I couldn’t hear him, he just continued to mumble.

Straightening myself out I gave up on him and turned around.

“Wait! (Y/N) please… don’t leave yet. My name’s Al” I had no intention of leaving him to look like a kicked puppy. Spinning on my heel for the last time I quickly kissed his cheek and scribbled a string of numbers onto a napkin for him. By the time Al had noticed what happened I was already out the door and he was cupping his cheek.

We meet again-

Al had called the number I gave him and was surprised when it was actually me to answer.

“I thought for a minute there this was a fake.”

“That would've been a good idea if you wouldn't have somehow found me afterwards.”

“That's true. Meet me at central park in 15 minutes. Don't be late.”

Deciding that there wasn't much that could go wrong, I dragged a brush through my hair to fight out all the knots and started the walk to central park.

Just after walking in the gate I spotted Al sitting on the park swing on his phone. It looked like he was debating whether or not to call someone. ‘Probably some other girl.’ It didn't look like he saw me yet and my phone started to vibrate in my pocket. The number was the same that called me earlier and wasn't put in my contacts yet.

“Hey?” he started off when the phone stopped it's ringing. “Hey.”

“Are you here yet? I'm kinda being swarmed by chicks at the moment and need you to save me. Guess everyone wants someone this good looking.” ‘Liar. What are you trying to play?’

“Yeah right, I bet you're sitting by yourself in an empty park looking lonely as hell.”

There was a pause while he thought of a response. “Even if I was by myself, you could be here and it would be all better” ‘He actually sounds sincere.’

“Then what would you do when I got there?”

“Not sure, we'd have to see what happens when you save me from this mob of supermodels.” I rolled my eyes before responding with two words.

“Turn around.”

Al spun around and practically tackled me to the ground in a hug before I could blink. When I finally processed what had happened, he surprised me by kissing me straight on the lips. After another couple minutes of processing my stupid mouth blurted out,

“Ya know, we're really cliché.”

(A/N) *Do not recommend searching for this “book” lmao it's cringe
Anyway I can't write requests if I don't get requests.

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