○String Of Web●5●Night○

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Music Playing in the Background,

I am again, homebound.

Shadows Dark,
Night is cold.

My heart just Broke!

Ears of mine listens,

Because it is you that I am missin'

As lyrics describes what I feel inside my heart...

I feel like I have been stabbed!

In my head is where I break down and cry as my mind process thoughts spun.

Tears drenching my pillows tonight.

My future doesn't look so bright.

This night I weep and grieve,

I feel like there is nothing left to give,

Tomorrow though,

my pillow sheets will again be dry, and my heart's pain will hopefully subside.

No, everything won't be all right,

But I'll do everything I can to be okay with all my might...

These I think about and ponder upon this midnight.

Webbed ThoughtsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora