○String Of Web●67●STONE○

33 7 3

you'll realize the many things I have said.

One day,
you'll feel what I have felt every time you hurt me...
Whenever you become sarcastic,
The time when Mocking me became a habit..

Those moments when you say just about anything to irritate me, making me feel miserable!
It's almost unbelievable how you can stab me with your words, cutting me up inside, making me bleed tons of blood!

anytime sooner than later..
I hope God would take pity on me and take me,
save me from all of this misery!

I have loved..
and I know GOD knows that.

I loved with all my heart
and soul,
I gave everything that I am
and all that I have..
Sometimes even things beyond my grasp.

Why is it then, that I always get disrespected by those I love the most?
I've lost my pride long ago and my whole soul felt drained..
How come,
people treat me this way?

A day shall come I hope, that at least those that treated me badly, would realize who I am and what I am worth..

Not wanting them to perish or get hurt but to at least be aware and sensitive to what others are feeling..
I don't know if that came out right, I don't even know what I'm writing sometimes.

I hate that I am like this..
so many times I hoped that I can be like a Stone..
Hard and strong..!

Not feeling anything even when kicked or thrown!

They Can be rejected or left alone...
a stone's truly hard core!

Sadly I am more like a sponge; soft, weak and always absorbing everything..

I just can't get used to the fact that,
I am nothing to some..
Only being noticed when needed and discarded when useless!

Today is just one of those days when I feel like my sanity is hanging by a thread that anytime soon, would break...!

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Author's Note:

This is an Old Draft, I have made this before, together with some other entries..

would soon end,
I wanted to thank you all for your continued support!

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