○String Of Web●46●Suicide○

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Don't keep me waiting...
Please leave not me,
Inside this noose I choke,
Clinging to my last breathe of hope..!

Holding unto this faith that's fragile and thin,
Almost like a single strand of web,
Snapping any second,
my vision's now blurred!

Seeking You, I'm out of breath,
Lost in this anguish I search...

Hoping to find your face,
on this faceless crowd,
they laugh aloud,
Deafening me up,
can't hear a single thing now..

Even as I scream out loud and shout inside,
No one to hold nor to love,
alone in this world,
With no one I can call my own..

I call unto your name,
Listen to me now..
Have me please,
Hear my pleas!

Listen to my voice even as it croaks,
Take this life..

Save me from myself!

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