○String Of Web●49●SoulDier○

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Wounded Soldier that's what signifies me,
been to many wars left and right.
Many battles I have won,
Many more, that I have lost.

Now here I sit.
Shredded, almost to pieces.
Still here I am, alive and kicking!
Trying hard to get back up,
But each time I try,
I stumble and fall,
I am weak.. weak as before..
Telling myself as I breathe my last breath of hope!

Looking up,
I pull hope from above,
Web-like strand,
invisible at first-glance but can be felt by the heart!!

I lie awake on the battlefield, shivering..

Pain is real,
yet felt so unreal,
it's almost surreal!

Bleeding heart, shattered from deep within.
Yet I try to do my best to remain fighting the good fight of faith and be still..
for this is what's right,
to rely and trust in FATHER's love and what Jesus has done for all of mankind!

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