String Of Web●85●YOU○

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You're my wind,
The one that holds my breath and takes it away..

The sun in my life that lights my path and guides my way.

You're my Sky..
The one that gives me shade using your clouds,
As my spirit runs dry,
You shower me with your love, letting me experience being near your presence that cleanses and quenches my souls thirst!

Storms may come and anxiety may fill again my heart,
But your love that consoles and cares always creates rainbows that gives out hope.

You flood me up with your words,
Sometimes they stab me so hard I bleed inside!

Your words are the ones that breaks me up to pieces!
Showing me,
my wrong and to make me strong..
The one that keeps me whole and occupies my very soul.

Can't you see?
You're everything to me!

Because of you,
I can do all things,
With your help there's no limitations to possibilities!

What more can I say?

Without YOU and your love, my life holds no value...
No reason or purpose,
That exist in my existence..

Without you, I am nothing!

Just a vacant vessel.

For deep inside is an emptiness that nothing else can ever fill..
A longing that only you can satisfy and fulfill.

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