○String Of Web●69●Parallel○

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Parallel shapes,
Parallel lines..
Ways and paths crossed,
yet never meets..

Truly the universe in it's intricate design, puzzles me.. how people in their unpredictability moves like two hands of a clock,
moving in numbers,
numerically designed as if programmed!

Crisscrossed lines, never seeing one-another like parallel world's probability of existence,
without evidence or knowing for sure though,
we can never be certain..

Love's like that sometimes,
it might be present but without action nor commitment,
security there isn't any..

Never can it be seen as fact
or it be claimed as yours nor mine..

Like being lost in space,
Trapped in a Black hole,
Never coming back home!

Wandering inside deep wonders,
travelling through depths of nothingness..!

Aren't we,
like people on different sides of the universe?

I'm thinking.. maybe we're more like.. same beings, same species, same.. but each of us perhaps exists on parallel worlds,
alive on gaps of must-have-beens and rips of time,
creating ripples of waves that echoes inside our heads..

Can these all be just theories? Dimensional delusions inside my "web of thoughts"?

I ponder on and On..

Eons of time behind and ahead, galaxies apart,
Go on now, tell me love..
will we ever meet or forever will we be far from each other?

Will the feelings be mutual,
or am I just an alien in a foreign land?

Lost in space, time and parallel worlds...
shipped from unidentified source of information, are these ideas..
which perhaps,
aren't originally from... me?

Sent to the innermost crevices inside my Brain are resonance of voices...

Compelling me to continue on my musing..

Anything to keep me, from falling apart..
to stop me from completely disintegrating,
like masses of decaying substances under the heat of a summer sun!

Oh! How these Words keeps me together...!

Knitted inside my head,
are thread-like thoughts,
spinning... like a spider's web,
Connected like constellations of stars in the universe!

I ponder and ponder,

On and on

I wonder....

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