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●The Book●

Started: August 1, 2016 

Ended: September 29, 2016

Basically, this is my first attempt on writing poetry- full blast, (I mean like in a whole book-my first try is on "Quotes, Poems, Art", but mostly the ones inside were quotes) and I do not even know what I'm doing..! 😂

So if you have any suggestions feel free to leave them on the comment box below, as I might not be doing things right..
I was just pouring myself out and hoping things will turn out okay.

"WEBBED THOUGHTS" is a compilation of poems from my heart, and in which my brain has helped to edit and process so everything is just like a web, connected in some way, one or two parts may be going to opposite direction from the other parts but they have some similarity like a parallel line, but one way or another they still have that same thread coming from the same maker.
I believe just like my book.. we people, also are like that for we have but one Creator.

This Book though, for me is a bit more personal than "Quotes, Poems, Art", I have squeezed up every emotions I have and scattered them all on the pages of this book.

I hope you guys would love it!

It has 80 parts/pages..
(Excluding "Thank you", "About" "Warning", Bonus part and "End").

●The Author●

Nickname: Rielle Apego.
also goes by the 
Pseudonym: MidnightBloomer
Initials: M.E.C.A.
Age: 33 years old (turning 34 pretty soon!)
Birthdate: January 9, 1983

●Favorite past time: Writing, watching TV series, movies, cartoons- especially Dragon Ball, X-Men, Conan, Slam Dunk, Johnny Bravo, pokemon, doraemon and many many more..! \.(*^_^*)./

●Online and Offline gamer.

●Loves to read.

●Likes to cook, I wanted to actually learn how to bake or cook like a chef but I do not want to become a chef, instead the course I really wanted back then was (is- I wanted to say since I still do but there's just no point anymore) Psychology (Industrial), but I found out later on that, there are some things in life that we may or might not accomplish.. sometimes there are things that we want and there are things that we need, and GOD may not always give us what we always wanted but GOD always will give us what we need.

●I am here in Thailand and I came here having two goals back then: to send money to my parents and to save enough money so I can go to college and finally study the course that I really wanted and not what other people wanted for me.. sad to say, it's not as easy as I thought it would be, but I'm glad I came here 'cause in here I have come to know GOD in a much deeper level, and I have met a lot of people that I now consider as family.

●I have been through so much, so many things which I'd rather not share, at least not all..     What I can only give are icings on a cake, the fruits and not the roots, or leaves but not the stem.


Thank you so much for your love and support! 

To GOD be all The GLORY!

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