○String Of Web●72●Family○

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I have never claimed to be anything I'm not,
I'm not perfect and it's alright.

My life's not posh,
nor is it blemish-free,
no lime lights you can see..
I am just someone ordinary.

Physically, I know I'm far from looking like a celebrity,
I know I'm not flawless,
I have my imperfections!

So's my life.. 

I am neither successful nor famous,
not rich nor decent or someone, somebody can actually be proud of, if they be seen with me.

I am just me!

I have faults, mistakes and sins, that I'm ashamed of..
I was never stain-free!

I have a bunch of things I regret of ever doing,
the many things which has taught me a thing or two, experiences that has been a source of learning and even my pain too..

I have had many ups-and-downs, heartaches and agonizing moments..
So many things I lack,
Fell down more than once,
even went through hell and back!

But what I'm most grateful about, are those people that decided to stay, even after knowing who I truly am...

Everything about me,
flaws and all,
as I stand tall and even as I fall..!

Never leaving my side nor judging me on the inside..

They are "Family",
even those that I'm not connected with by blood,
but by the heart!

Them I know,
I'll cherish for the rest of my life,
even when a time shall come that we'll have to part...
We're stitched inside,
not by veins or genes but by deeds and feelings..!

Nothing lasts forever,
even a leaf withers,
but the love inside we have for people who are true and faithful to us,
are like flames that's hard to snuff out..

burning from deep within,

giving light,

inside and out!

inside and out!

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