String Of Web●80●Thoughts in Random○

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Let's not move too fast nor too slow or we'll get towed!

We may have met by chance,
but we're not accidents you and I..

Let's hold each other's hands like fate brought us together,

Do not hesitate but let's not do everything in such haste...

Trust is a big thing,
but the Journey we'll spend in each other's arms,

needed not just love but faith.


"Spiritual Journey"

Let me Know,
How it is to Grow..
To not just Talk but really Walk!

Help me so that I can be,
The one you wanted me to become.

Spirituality is the path I shall take, on the road less travelled is where I'd trek..

Highs and lows I know there always would be,
But hold my hand please Lord, don't ever let me go,
Even on times I would be too weak to hold,
Be my strength even as I encounter storms and quakes!

Let not my faith be tried nor shaken,
this I pray to my GOD.

But at the end of the day a thought reminds me always,

May it be...
Your will be done and not mine!



They say,
Opposite poles attract.

entirely different
from one another
are the ones most likely
To live
harmoniously together..

Hot and Cold,
Short and Tall,
Big and Small,
it goes on and on..

supposedly so,
that is correct,
Even 100% accurate..

My love tell me,
How opposites are we?

So that I can attract you,
to me?


"Day Dreaming"

Delicious Steak on my mind,
eating it beside the lake..

Coffee strong and brewed,
The one I drink,
As I read my book,
scent of morning dancing on my nose,
smell of grass freshly mowed,
raked nice and slow..

Caressing my senses are roses and daisies,
sweet, seductive and inviting,
Even slightly invigorating..

Wake me up?
No, please not!

Such a pleasant dream that I have,
Last thing I wanted to happen is to be awaken,
from this lovely moment!

Make it last,
though not forever,
But at least until there remain an earth on this universe.



Some people are whole while others are sore..

I am one of those though,
not entirely broken but pretty much cracked up!

Nothing much left to say,
No need to ponder much on yesterday,
what's left behind in me,
is a thought that even when bruised up,

Let's not ever give up,
even as we stumble and fall,

stand up we must!

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