○String Of Web●58●WeekEnds○

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Weekends are what keeps most of us pumped up!
Ready to jump up to days of fun and hours where we can relax,
either we Be with our family and be happy or with our friends and be merry!

Let's Travel and go around places this weekend,
my friend..
So we can get rid of this stress we have and forget all about our worries in life.

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This weekend,
May GOD also Bless the meek,
The weak and the humble.

They may lack a thing or two,
For being who they are,
Their personality is most often scorned than admired,
But most often than not,
They are the ones that help
Other people..
They're abundant in care and love for
those who are in need,
knowing how it is not to have something,
And how others most of the time, turn their backs
Once you hit the bottom.

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As one week ends,
another Starts right after..

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