○String Of Web●73●Still○

21 6 2

Heart of steel,
steal my heart, not!
I beg of you, prevent yourself from doing so!

Every time I stare at your face, my heart jumps like a flea, jumping from it's place,
fleeing though none's chasing it.

My eyes glazed like donuts, mesmerized by your gaze,
my mind's offshore once more,
Flying even without wings, crying with no tears!

Still even with these feelings,
that I'm feeling..
I tell myself,
over and over,
hear my pleas, please!

Let not yourself fall,
for a stale bread you'd be like, waiting for someone to come pick you up,
If no one ever did..
And no one ever will,
in a corner there you'd be,
like an unwanted bread, 
alone and mouldy..!

So even when you feel like your chest's about to burst with so much love, contain it my dear..
in it's container let it remain!

Put it inside a jar if needed be, instead of letting it fly.. for if you do so let it soar, you might never get it back, never to return to it's owner, lost in a deep surrender!

Webbed ThoughtsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon