Chapter 13: Paradise and Horror Part 3

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"Karlheinz," murmured a voice from behind him.

Subaru jerked his head around and spotted a figure standing in the entryway. It was a female with seaweed green long hair and brown eyes. She wore a long white dress that torn and she looked kind of filthy.

With a smiled, she rushed towards him but went straight through his body. A sad look formed on her face and she looked at her hands and body.

"Why can't I touch you? What happen to me Karlheinz?" She whined.

Subaru looked barfed.

"Answer me! I am your wife," she cried out.

Subaru POV

The horrifying barf look on his face planted there momentarily. It was impossible for some else to be on this island besides him and his family. Subaru never met this young woman before today. More importantly, why was she calling him Karlheinz? Feeling somewhat offended, he didn't like being compared to his father just because they have similar features.

Subaru wanted an explanation to how she found her way on this island. When did she and his father ever get married and why did she flow pass him like a ghost. All these questions kept nailing him in the head.

Stepping towards the entrance to his room, he never removed his red eyes from her brown ones. She extended her hand out in attempt to grab him.

"K-Karlheinz, whatever I did, I'm sorry. Please? Just don't leave me alone again," she begged. The young woman wept on the floor beneath him. She looked like she been through hell and back on this island.

"Your cries are making my ears bleed," Subaru grumbled.

She tilted her head at him with a bewilder look. "I-I don't understand. Whatever do you mean?"

"It means that you're making me deaf! Get a hold of yourself already!"

"B-But Karlheinz-"

To interrupt her protest, Subaru fist went flying into the wall beside him in frustration. "Stop calling me that! I am not him nor will I ever be him!"

Her eyes grew bigger as she blinked at him. "If you're not Karlheinz than whom may you be?"

"I'm...I'm his son," he mumbled with his forearm covering the lower half of his face.

The young woman stood up quickly, gliding towards him with their mouth nearly touching. Subaru stumbled back in shock, "You're right. You aren't him." she turned away from him with her eyes flowing shut. "I could I be so foolish not to realize that?" With the switch of her eyes, she glanced at him from head to toe. "And you definitely don't dress like him. Karlheinz would never wear something so tacky."

"Oi, watch your mouth. You don't have slightest clue who you're dealing with," Subaru warned with both his fist clutched together.

She turned back towards him and folded her arms to her chest. "I can't believe this, all this time Karlheinz left me and had a kid with someone else. It's impulsive."

"Technically, he has five other sons with 2 other wives. I am the sixth and youngest son to his third wife."

"Karlheinz has three wives," she voiced when asking.

Subaru huffed, "that's what I said. Don't make me repeat myself please."

"That's impossible," she announced.

This made his blood boil and his face fluster, "are you calling me a liar?"

"No of course not, I'm his wife as well. There has to be a logical explanation to what brought us both here today," she started to explained. "When I knew Karlheinz, he wasn't married to anyone. I was his eve and he married me when I was still human. We came on this island together on a holiday. He said that he was going to change me into a vampire and I'll finally be able to live forever with him."

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