Chapter 14: Paradise and Horror Part 4

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Subaru fled out the room after his girlfriend with a hard look on his face. I can't believe this! How could I be so stupid? He caught her wrenching the front door open, the wind mixed with heavy rain nearly knocked her off her feet as she held on to the doorframe for her life.

What is crazy? She could get hurt in this kind of weather.

He rested his forearm on his forehead to block the rain from hitting his face. There wasn't much he could do to block it. "Mayu, stop," Subaru cried.

Mayu head whipped around at the sound of her boyfriend voice. She had a tearful of eyes and her expression was horrifying. Never before today had she ever looked at him like that. "I told you to stay away from me," she whimpered.

"I know you're mad at me," he said, taking another step towards her. "But the weather is bad out there. I'll never forgive myself if something happen to you. So please, I begging you, come back inside."

"No –" she trailed off when backing up outside.

"Don't be an idiot! Come back inside!

"I said no," she shook her head as a loud holler escape her lips.

Mayu hurried outside in the stormy weather. While looking back to search if Subaru was following her, she stumbled on the wet cold ground surrounded by mud. She heard footstep coming towards her as she sobbed against the muddy soil. Two pair of white boots stopped in front of her. She turned her head at the person in a knowing glance.

"Look at you," Subaru said, standing beneath her. "Why did it have to come to this? Why couldn't you listen to me."

"I don't need to hear that from you. Not now," she sobbed.

Subaru bend down on his knees to help her up, "Come! Let's go back inside before you catch a cold."

Mayu wrapped her arms around his neck as he lifted her off the ground. He appeared back inside the house and laid her on the couch. Aiko, Yui and Izumi rushed over to the loveseat with concern.

"Oh my goodness, what happen to her" Yui exclaimed with her hands over her mouth.

Subaru sighed feeling responsible, "It's a long story."

"What do you mean it's a long story? What happen to my sister moron," Aiko interrogated, while bending down beside Mayu on the couch.

At this Subaru glared at her. Once he saw how angst Aiko looked his mien change. "She saw something misleading and ran away from me."

"Why'd she run away from you," Yui asked.

"Yeah I want to know why too," izumi added.

Subaru knocked over the lamp as he became fluster, "enough with the questions, all right! I don't need to answer to any of you!"

"Subaru-chan," Yui mumbled.

"What's all this commotion about," Reiji demanded when entering the room. "Why is a ruckus being caused?"

"Reiji-kun," Izumi called. "Something happen to Mayu."

"Is that so," He said walking pass them to investigate from himself. "Why is she wet, what happen to her?"

"Why don't you ask him," Aiko responded, she nodded her head towards Subaru.

Reiji gaze over his glasses examining his brother from head to toe, "Subaru, why are you all wet?"

"Can we talk about this matter in private please," Subaru responded with a stern face.

Reiji shrugged, "well, if it can't be helped," he said standing up. "The rest of you help Mayu out of those wet clothes and get her something dry to wear before she catches a cold. As for you Subaru, follow me."

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