Special interest: Papyrus.

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"Look Sans! there's a book on puzzles here!"

Papyrus points to a shelf that is full of do it yourself books and picks out the only book there on puzzles. "Sans! we have to get it!" Sans walks slowly over to his brother and takes the book out of his hands to look at it.

"bro, don't you already have this one?" Papyrus huffs and puts his hands on his hip bones. "No Sans! I have the 1982 version of it, this is the 1985 version with extra instructions in the back, plus a poster of the creator of the first ever puzzle in the underground!"

"Woah, okay, inside voice papy." Sans chuckles. "Sure, if it'll make you happy we can get it."

"REALLY!?!" Papyrus shouts, bouncing up and down on his toes. "Yeah, yeah, just keep your voice down, that hurt my ears."

"Sans, we don't have ears."

"you know what I mean."

Sans goes up to the counter to pay for the book while Papyrus bounces excitedly behind him. "Here you go and have a nice day" the cashier says handing Sans a bag with the book in it. "Thanks you too." Sans replies, turning and walking out the door.

Sans looks back at Papyrus who is fidgeting with is gloves an looking at the bag with an intense stare. "Here you go." Sans says, handing the book to his over-excited brother.

"Ahhhh! Sans  it's so cool! this is now my fifteenth puzzle book in my collection, and the thing is there were only twenty-eight ever printed, and it's in such good condition, I can't believe the store had one!"

Papyrus goes on and on about the book and every single fact he could ever remember from any books he'd ever read on puzzles. "Wow bro that's so cool." Sans says, watching his feet as they walk back home.


"And then, even the creator couldn't figure it out it was so good!" 

"Wow, that's really cool, how you remember all of those facts."

The brothers are almost to their house when they're stopped by Undyne who was just heading into Snowdin.

"Hey Papyrus, you ready for our training later?" Papyrus gives her a bright smile and a thumbs up. "I can't wait! Oh, oh, oh, and Undyne, I got this new book and it's so cool! it's the 1985 puzzle history encyclopedia! it has a poster in the back and more instructions than the 1982 version-"

"Wow, obsessed much?" Undyne says, crossing her arms.

"Uh... no? I, um just really like puzzles, they're super interesting and just so much fun to learn about." Papyrus gets cheerier as his sentence goes on, trying to not be affected by his friend's comment.

"Yeah, whatever. See ya later Papyrus, bye Sa-" Undyne cut's her sentence short when she sees Sans standing next to his brother, Eye-sockets completely devoid of light, glaring at her.

"Heh heh, bye Sans." She says, quickly bolting away.

"hey bro, how's about we get inside and you can tell me all about those puzzles in your book." Sans offers, his eyes going back to normal.

"OH MY GOODNESS REALLY!?" Papyrus shouts. "Yeah, volume bro." Sans replies, relaxing his shoulders after the sudden loudness.

Papyrus' face softens and he rubs his arm "Sorry, brother. I'm just so excited to tell you all about these amazing puzzles!"

"Yeah me too.


this one was on one of Papyrus' special interests, PUZZLES! it also could double as an info-dump related chapter.

Yeah, this one was really short, but I feel like there's not much else to it. when something new comes out of your special interest or you find out something you didn't know about it, It feels like you're going to explode if you don't tell someone sometimes.

sometimes, for me, if i'm really excited about it i'll happy flap, which is something i don't do any other time. for papyrus his volume control goes completely out the window.

also there are some people who just don't get having a special interest, and they just think we're obsessed with it. That makes it sound bad. but it's not bad at all, it's great!  

Thank you for reading, tell me what you thought of this chapter by giving it a review, if you have an Autism related topic you want to see that I haven't done yet, you can put that in a review too! and have a wonderful day!

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