8: Comfort Items: Sans

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(947 words)


Sans runs faster than he ever had in his life, closing the door to his room, just now realizing it didn't have a lock.

He'd have to change that.

"Paps please! gimme one more day!" Sans shouts through his door.

"SANS, YOU SAID THAT A WEEK AGO!" Papyrus yells, now right at the door.

Sans looks around in a panic, he grabs a book from his floor and quickly teleports to an almost unknown closet under the stairs.

He hears Papyrus swing his door open and shout.


'Okay, I just gotta stay hidden until his shift starts, he'd never be late for work.' Sans thinks to himself.

He pulls out the book he grabbed and lets out a quiet groan. "Did I really just grab the only book in the house that is impossible to read!?" he says in a whisper-shout.

He opens the book anyways and starts on chapter one.

After only fifteen minutes of trying to read the book he throws it against the wall with a frustrated grunt. He had only gotten to page three and the written accents were killing his brain.


Sans looks up in shock when he sees his brother standing over him.

"I knew you couldn't hide from me!" Papyrus says, hands on hips.

Sans shrinks back and puts his arms around himself. "No Papyrus, please!" he begs, but it was to no avail. Papyrus reaches into the small closet and yanks Sans's coat off of him. "Sans, this has needed cleaning for forever!"

Papyrus turns and walks away to go put the coat through the wash. "Don't be such a baby about this, you'll get it back in an hour or so."

Sans, left in his white t-shirt and shorts, watches the retreating form of his brother, his arms wrapped tightly around himself.

He feels too open, too exposed. It felt like he couldn't breath and the world was going to fall in on itself.

He rocks back and forth, biting his hand all the while.

His breath came in short quick gasps and he squeezed his eyes shut as tight as they would go.

He feels tears drip down his face and sweat form on his neck.

All he could think about was that he couldn't breath, he didn't have his coat, and he wouldn't be able to get it back fast enough.





Sans is pulled out of his personal hell by the sound of his brothers voice.

"Sans, I know you like your coat, but this is a little ridiculous!"

Papyrus drapes Sans' newly washed coat over-top of him. "Sans?" Papyrus seemingly just now noticing Sans' shaking and rocking. "Sans, don't bite your hand like that, you're going to hurt yourself!" Papyrus tries to pull Sans' hand out of his jaws but it was firmly placed between his teeth.

Papyrus helps Sans into his coat by putting his arms in for him. 

Sans seemed unresponsive when Papyrus did this so he takes his brother into his arms and squeezes him tightly.

They stay like this for who knows how long before Sans starts to react to things again, dropping his hand from his mouth.

"Sans, I know this was horrible for you but it really did need to be washed."

Sans just nods and curls up in his brothers arms, not caring that he looked like a frightened child.

"Are we gong to have to do this every week?" Papyrus asks.

Sans nods again, closing his eyes and letting himself fall asleep after a long half a day.


Sorry that I haven't been updating this story very much, it feels like forever sense it's been updated. I really have no excuse not to.

Anywho! this was on comfort items, only Sans' though, I will do Papyrus's later. This was suggested by therealgirlygeek! I also included a bit of two other suggestions that I didn't think I could find a way to make them their own chapters. 

There was one suggested by Nat.f and it was Sans having a hard time reading. And there was one by DragonRidersRulz who said about Papyrus being a little OCD. Its not very noticeable but I tried to make him needing to wash the coat an OCD thing... I'm not sure if it worked out well.

 I really don't have many comfort items at the moment, mostly because I'm almost always at Gymnastics and I can't really have extra things there.

But I do still have a stuffed animal that I got from my dad when I was five, he's really old and ratchet-y but when I go to a hotel or something like that You'd better believe he's coming with me.

I feel like Sans would have a huge connection to his coat, not just because of the weighted aspect of it, but because he is always having it, never having a different one.

~~~Guest time!~~~

Nat.f : Yeah, I'm pretty sure the underground has gone deaf at leas five times from Papyrus alone XD And super cool! I love meeting other Spectrumites!


Thank you all for reading, give me a review to tell me what you thought of this chapter and if you have a suggestion don't be afraid to put that in there too!

If you have a question you want to ask the skelebros directly go to the AskTheAutisticSkele-Bros tumblr where you can ask them or me anything!

Until next time, Bye! .O/

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