17: Stimming

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(1,144 words)

Sans sits with his legs over the edge of his bed. His mid was already filled to the brim with thoughts. Thoughts of work and bills and everything in between. He had only been awake for half an hour. It was amazing how quickly he could get overwhelmed sometimes. He shrugs on his favorite coat and stands up.

He looks around his room, messy as always. He presses his hands to the sides of his skull. He was so done with everything. Sans starts pacing around his room, hands pressed to the sides of his skull. "So tired..." He mumbles as he walks across his messy floor. He stumbles over a pile of clothes and catches himself on his dresser.

He grumbles and pushes the pile away from himself angrily. "Why do I always feel so- so, ugh!" he wraps his arms around his midsection and paces more. He paces for longer than one should before he trips once again on a pair of sneakers he never wore. "Ow!" He shouts, hitting the floor.

He starts pushing himself up from the floor but stops. He could hear music from through the floor boards. It was one of his favorite songs and just hearing that small bit made him feel a little calmer. He stands up and goes over to his door, opening it a crack. The music was coming from downstairs, most likely the living-room.

He sneaks out of his room and down the stairs, listening carefully to the song he loved so much. His eye feels warm like it was glowing. He raises his hand up to his face, seeing a light orange glow on it. That hadn't happened in so long. He was happy.

He walks around the corner and smiles slightly. Papyrus was standing in the living-room, rocking back and forth on his heels and shaking his hands at his sides. His eyes were closed but Sans could see a slight orange glow from underneath his bony eyelids. Sans smiles walks closer, humming along to the music playing from an old CD player in the corner of the room.

He goes up to the player and turns the volume up slightly, alerting Papyrus to his presence. "Hello brother!" Papyrus says happily. "Isn't this song so good?" He says, being quiet for once. Sans nods. "Yeah, it's pretty good." He says quietly. Papyrus starts bouncing on his toes, finding this specific part of the song perfect.

He shakes his skull back and forth, shaking his hands out in front of him. All of it together made the taller skeleton feel like he was in heaven. Sans smiles a bit wider at his brother's happiness. He feels uncomfortable for a moment, wanting to join his brother's happy stimming  but he had never done it in front of anyone like this.

Normally he wasn't ever happy enough to do that but he was now and he was going to take advantage of that. he starts slowly but eventually he's shaking his whole forearms up by his skull, his bones rattling with each shake. As the song got to a good spot he starts bouncing a bit and nodding his head to the beat.

Papyrus opens his eyes and smiles. Sans looked as if he had never been happier than he was in that moment. Papyrus lets out a small laugh, not at his brother but out of pure joy. They keep going like this until the song drops off, ending. Sans starts to feel a bit upset until, not another song starts, but the same song starts up again. It was on repeat.

Sans smiles and closes his eyes, shaking his arms up and down again. The feeling along with the song and the joy he'd seen on Papyrus' face just made this an all around unforgettable experience. Sans hums the song a little louder, feeling the vibrations in his skull.

Papyrus spins around quickly a couple times before tripping slightly and stumbling in front of his shorter brother. "Heh heh..." Papyrus giggles. Sans opens his eyes once more and looks up at Papyrus. "That-... That was fun..." He says, rubbing the back of his skull as his unbelievable joy drains from him.

"Yeah it was brother!" Papyrus shouts, hesitating before yanking Sans into a tight hug. Sans relishes in the pressure before Papyrus sets him back down. "Heh heh, thanks Paps." Sans says as he collapses onto the couch. Papyrus sits down next to him and they both sit there, listening to their song over and over for a while.

"I haven't seen you that happy in so long." Papyrus says, staring up at the ceiling. Sans shrugs and shoves his hands into his pockets. "I didn't even think I could be that happy anymore." They both just sit there. Calm, quiet other than the music playing. It was nice and Sans felt okay.

Just okay.


Yikes, It's been a while hasn't it?

This chapter was on stimming, specifically happy stimming. For me I am only really happy enough to actually full on happy stim when I'm listing to my newest stimmy song. So as I wrote this, to try and get the feelings right I listened to my most recent stimmy song which was planetary (GO) by My Chemical Romance.

I really don't think Sans would normally stim in front of people other than his brother and maybe Frisk but that's it. Papyrus would stim in front of anyone. He doesn't care, it's part of him and he'll let that shine just like the rest of his personality! I was trying to show a little bit of autistic burnout here because I think Sans would be one to feel that a crap-ton. Him stimming with his brother was what made him feel a little less burnt out. He couldn't figure out the right words for it though.

Anyways, thank you for reading! If you have any suggestions for a chapter go ahead and suggest one! Even if it's one that I've aleady done that's okay if you had a different way of tackling it or if I only did something with one of the brothers and you wanted to see one with the other!

I don't know how much I'll be able to update this story, the only reason I did update now is because of a load of wonderful reviews I got from Sirrius The Moonblade. They really inspired me to make another chapter!

Anyways, I'll write you later, stim on! (((

_n/)))   (OH! And be careful with April coming up! All that autism awareness stuff going on and autism $peaks things! Be proud of being you! and screw autism $peaks!)

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