12: Not Alone

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(1428 Words)

Just a quick warning, this chapter is basically a self insert chapter because I wasn't sure how else to do it. So if you don't like stories/chapters like that you can skip this one.


Sans walked through the grocery store at almost eleven PM.

For what reason you ask?

Because he and Papyrus were out of spaghetti and Papyrus insisted that they not go one single day without spaghetti in their house.

So there he was, at now eleven fifteen PM grabbing a box of noodles off the shelf, hearing a passing conversation.

"You need to act more normal," A stout woman says angrily. "I'm tired of hearing about all of the things you and your sister think you have."

Sans secretly listens in, remaining somehow unnoticed for the time-being.

"But I do have it" a girl squeaks out, it seeming painful to do so. "You got me diagnosed."

The woman, most likely the girls mother looks at the shelf of food and back down to her list. "Well I think you can control it, at least to some extent." She grabs a can off the shelf and tosses it into their cart being pushed by an older girl with a puffy, curly bun on top of her head, looking very anxious while a little boy runs around the isle.

"It's all because of the internet. You two are on it too much and looking this stuff up, making yourselves think you have this shit. You never used to do all this weird crap before you started going on that- that Tumblr thing. I want you off of it now."

The younger girl stays silent, her mouth opening like she was going to say something but then closing again.

Sans feels a little guilty about listening in on their conversation but what was he supposed to do? It was eleven twenty at night and there was practically nobody in the store.

Sans figures he should just get the sauce and leave but, it was just his luck that the woman and her children were standing right where the sauce was.


He watches as the woman tells the younger girl to get some spaghetti sauce and walks down the isle, the girl pushing the cart along with her.

The girl stands looking up at all of the different kinds of sauce, right in front of the kind he needed to get.

What was it with this family and being in the way?

"Uh, excuse me, can I just grab that can right there?" He asks awkwardly.

The girl had curly brown hair, the ends dyed blue. her eyes were a bright blueish green but were filled with sorrow.

She nods and moves out of the way.

But not enough. Sans' elbow nudges into the girls bare arm and she gasps, tears springing to her eyes.

"Whoops, sorry- Uh..." He sees her standing there, her hand on her arm where he had accidentally touched her and crying. "Are you okay?" He asks, noticing her crying just now. He didn't think he had hit her too hard.

She nods choppily and backs away a couple steps, scratching at her forearms.

"Are you sure because you don't look okay..." Sans says, forgetting about the sauce and taking a couple steps toward the mixed girl. She holds one arm to her stomach and brings her other hand up to her head, swishing it out and stopping.

Sans recognized this as sign language, like what Frisk used, although Frisk seemed quite a bit younger than this girl.

'Don't know'

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