10: Storms

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(1145 words)

Ever sense they got to the surface, they realized how loud and almost scary things could be.

crowded buildings.

loud parks.

Bad thunderstorms.

Down in the underground they had never had a thunderstorm. The most that they had ever had was a bit of rain from waterfall.

The first couple of times up on the surface that they had had a thunderstorm it wasn't pretty. Most monsters had heard of thunderstorms before, and the skeleton brothers were no exception. Although, there were somethings that made them a bit more... challenging. 


Sans sits in their kitchen which is a step lower than the rest of the house.

"Na bro, that's just thunder." He says, tensing up as he sees a bolt of lightning, anticipating the loud boom of thunder that was sure to fallow.

Three seconds later a clap of thunder rattles through the dark house, the power having gone out almost an hour ago.

"SEE BROTHER!? IT'S YELLING!!!" Papyrus shouts.

Sans stands up from his char and looks at papyrus before he starts pacing the kitchen. "No Paps, Thunder is basically just vibrations. The lightning is hot so it heats up the air around it. Hot air expands very quickly, pushing apart the air particles with force and creating more vibrations. Therefor, thunder is really only noise, completely harmless." Sans continues to pace, even though he was done talking.

An unexpected clap of thunder pounds through the house, causing Sans to yelp and Papyrus to rush to the window, looking outside in amazement. "Wow Sans this is pretty cool!"

"Yeah, sure." Sans replies, sitting on the floor as far away from the window as he could.

He had done his research. He knew all about thunderstorms and how they worked.

He also found out how dangerous they could be.

He read story after story online about bad things happening in thunderstorms. Trees falling over onto houses, cars getting completely flipped over, tornadoes and hurricanes forming.

So he read up on every possible way to stay safe.

Stay indoors.

get to the lowest level of your house.

stay away from windows-

"Papyrus, get away from the window." Sans says, almost panicky.

"But the.. the uh, LIGHTNING! The lightning is so pretty!" Papyrus whines. "It doesn't matter, get away from the window, it could be dangerous." Sans tries to stay as far away from the window as possible, pushing his back into the wall.

"I thought you said that it was harmless." Papyrus says skeptically.

"The thunder's harmless, but the wind that comes with is isn't. And what if it starts hailing, that could be chunks of ice flying towards the window. Or what if something gets picked up by the wind and gets tossed through the window and hits you." Sans rambles on and on about things that could be dangerous about standing near the window during a thunderstorm.

When Sans finally stops Papyrus gets a little concerned. His brother obviously was distressed by the storm and he was making it worse, just by standing near the window. "You could call Alphys, she's seen all of those human history documentaries-"

"Anime." Sans corrects.

"Anime's so she's bound to know all about storms and stuff." Papyrus finishes.

"I already tried, the phone lines are down."

Now connection to anyone, unable to get to anyone because leaving the house was worse than standing by the window, and the power was out so they couldn't even be comforted by some light in the house.

Another clap of thunder sounds and Sans flinches, not entirely ready for it.

"Sans... Are you afraid of the storm?" Papyrus asks, legitimately worried.

"No. It's just that I know the storm's dangerous and I don't want you to get hurt... And the thunder is kind of really loud..." Sans adds in an almost whisper.

"Sans, you said yourself that thunder is just noise."

Sans pulls his hood up over his skull and shrinks back even more. "I know but it's just so loud that no matter how hard I try I can't help but be scared by it."

Papyrus stands with a blank face for a moment before walking away from the window and over to his distressed bother. "Sans, it's just noise, I know its loud and that's kinda scary but it really can't hurt you. And you know how I know that?" Papyrus doesn't wait for Sans to answer before continuing on. "Because you told me. Only a few minutes ago!"

Papyrus bends his long legs and sits next to his brother. "And I know you would never lie to me so it'll be okay." As soon as he finishes his sentence he pulls Sans into a tight hug, tighter than what you'd give to someone else but perfect for Sans.

"Okay." Sans says, looking up and out the window along with Papyrus. Another clap of thunder goes by and Sans tenses up again, but this time he looks out the window to see lightning striking.

"You're right Paps, the lightning is pretty." 


HI! This chapter was on thunderstorms and how the brothers dealt with them. It was suggested by merlinfrostG.

I wanted to make this chapter longer, but I found out yesterday that I have strep throat and it's not the best feeling thing in the world. heh heh...

I tried to make their opinions on the storm pretty much opposite, Sans not really liking the storm because he knew all about it and Papyrus liking the storm because he knew almost nothing about it.

I'm more like Sans in this scenario because I will tolerate storms to an extent but when the thunder gets too loud it literally sends a wave of nauseous fear through my body each time it comes. I'll also start thinking of every single possible thing that could happen during the storm, and then try and prepare for that.


nat.F: I think you spelled it right? I don't know I'm dyslexic XD. But yeah, My mom said that she thinks is aspegers for me too, and she doesn't really like me saying that i'm autistic because most people think it's just nonverbal, all the time, rocking and grunting.

And don't worry, there are no triggers pulled there! I think that's a really cool  head-cannon, it actually gave me an idea for just a picture to make, although now might not be the best time to make it with the strep and all. ;D


Thank you all for reading! tell me what you thought in a review and how about, what you think of thunder storms!

Until next time! Bye! .O/

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