11: Bullying

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(1679 words)

It had been almost a week sense the brothers had told their friends that they were autistic. Everyone had taken it quite well and had only changed slightly, as is expected.

It had been difficult to start being okay stimming in front of their friends, at least for Sans, but it was beginning to feel okay again.

They all were going to go to the park one day for a picnic lunch but Papyrus and Undyne  had to stay on schedule and went to go train, and Alphys was much too busy to go so it was just going to be Toriel, frisk, and Sans. 

"Sans!" Toriel calls from across the park.

"Sans, we're over here!"

Sans looks around, trying to find the source of the voice when he spots them sitting at a picnic table under a tree.

He walks casually towards what he thought was just Toriel and Frisk when he sees another human sitting next to them.

"Uh, Hey kid. Who's your friend?" The new kid couldn't have been older then twelve years old.

Frisk spells out 'Harold' in sign language and smiles.

"Well it's nice to meet you Harold." Sans says politely, sitting down across from the kids.

"How's it going Tori?"

"Oh, I am doing well." Toriel says in her soft voice. "I do hope it's alright Frisk brought a friend along." Sans stuffs his hands in his pockets. "Yeah, totally fine. I'm not like Papyrus, a tiny change in plans isn't going to get under my skin. Heh heh." He chuckles nervously.

Because, yes. Yes it did 'get under his skin.'

"Oh, that's good. I was afraid we'd upset you." Toriel says, relieved.

Sans chuckles again.

"Anyways, we brought you a surprise." Toriel starts going through the picnic basket that she had brought. "You mean other than ol' Harold here?" Sans jokes.

"Ha ha, yes. Oh, here it is." Toriel pulls out a full sized bottle of ketchup and hands it to Sans. "Tori, you didn't have to do that." Sans says with a huge smile on his face. "It was Frisk's idea" She says in reply, causing Frisk to blush. "Well, thanks kid." Sans says.

'You're welcome' Frisk signs.

He opens the bottle and takes a big gulp from it, his hand twisting back and forth so that his palm was switching directions, causing the bones in his hand to rattle quietly.

"Hey, skele-dude. Can you stop that. It's really annoying, and it makes you look like a loonie."

Sans looks at Frisks friend Harold. "What?" He asks. Harold motions to his still moving hand and Sans quickly shoves it in his pocket. "And why are you wearing a winter coat? It's like eighty degrees."

"Well, um..." Sans tries to think up an excuse other than 'it feels good' but nothing was coming to mind.

"Ya know what, why don't you just mind your own business." Sans finally says, tired of being bullied by some twelve year old.

Sans goes back to drinking his condiments when the kid pipes up again. "What's with the ketchup? I mean, I know monsters have odd tastes but, ketchup?"

Sans makes his eyes go dark, and stares directly at the kid, his usual warm smile turning cold. 

"Would you rather it be your blood?"

Harold trembles a little in his seat, scooting away slightly. "Y-You aren't allowed to purposely hurt a human, it's the law." He says shakily.

Sans returns his eyes to normal and his 'relaxed' demeanor returns. "Relax kid, I was kidding."

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