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Angelo and I laid on his bed cuddled up, our eyes glued to his TV.

We were watching some B-grade horror movie. I could tell neither of us were that interested.

I was surprised Dev and Vin didn't come in and try to watch it, too, but I wasn't deaf. As much as I hated hearing those two, I was too comfy to get up. If they were done before Josh got here, they'd be fine. Well, Devin would be.

They weren't having sex, because it wasn't that loud, but they were having a pretty hardcore make out session. It was easy to see that Angelo was trying to hold back a laugh or two at that.

"Your brother is..." He trailed off, frowning.

"Loud?" I filled in, chuckling, "They both are."

He laughed under his breath, "Yep. Josh and Ryan Ashley are at his house, so I doubt they'll be here anytime soon."

"Lucky for Devin, then." I mumbled.

He shifted so he could look at me, but we continued cuddling, "I'm surprised you're not murdering Vinny right now."

I smiled slightly, "He's a good kid. Nothing like Josh, but he's good. I can tell he makes Dev happy, and that's all I want. If I'm gone one day, I want him to be happy. I want all of you to be."

Angelo shook his head and lightly kissed my forehead, "Don't think like that, Ricky. You'll be here until the sun falls out of the sky."

I smiled, "Maybe."

• • •


My leg continuously bounced as I waited for the woman to step out of her room, Chris' company being the only thing keeping me from leaving.

What I was doing was wrong, I knew that. Corey wanted to help he and his family on his own, and I couldn't tell him what to do, because he had his own choices and it was his life. But, with him turning our offer down did terminate the chance of helping Ricky control his ability. I just didn't want to see him in pain..

"Ryan," The woman stepped out from behind her curtain, "I'm Ashley."

Ashley had red and black hair–split down the middle. She was probably my height with the heels she was wearing, but she had nothing on Chris.

She lead us into her room, and my eyes wandered the walls in slight confusion.

They were the walls you'd expect from a witch, but her's seemed different. There was meaning behind the flags and spells she had pinned up, but I didn't question it. I was here for one thing, and one thing only.

Chris and I sat across from her at her table, the only light in the room coming from the two red candles sitting on either side of the table.

Ashley was in all black, a cardigan covering her clothing.

"This Ricky person... What're you worried about?" She asked, leaning forward.

"Um..." I bit my lip, "Recently, his abilities have started to come into play, but they aren't exactly what we thought they would be. He can lift objects when he's unconscious, and it tends to get violent."

She slowly nodded, "Has he ever tried to kill anyone?"

"Well, I mean, not technically, but he could've, yes."

"His behaviour.. What about that?"

"It's changed since I was last with him, but I can't really tell you." I answered, my eyes focused on the dripping candle wax.

Chris cleared his throat, shifting in his seat, "He hasn't changed too much. He was wiped of his memory when he was killed, so he didn't know that the people he was living with weren't his parents, and that took a major toll on his behaviour. Ever since he discovered his ability, he has been more distant and... prone to violence, I guess."

Honestly, I hated that I was talking about Ricky behind his back. I really did. It was like Chris and I were his parents and we were talking to some doctor about his problems. He didn't need this, especially with everything going on, but I wanted to make him feel better about everything. I just hoped Ashley could give us some advice on how to help it all.

"Do you think he could easily kill someone without fully knowing?"

Chris and I shared a look, and I instantly shrunk back, letting him answer for me.


She sighed, standing up, "You have to kill him. It may not seem like it's that bad, but it will be. If he can lift simple things like photo frames, forks, knives, anything in his sleep, he could move oceans when he's awake. Trust me, I used to love someone that had his sort of ability, and it didn't end well. He killed everyone around him, and almost cut my head off." She pulled down a part of her cardigan, revealing a large scar that ran from the middle of her neck to her collarbone.

I gulped, looking at the scar with wide eyes.

I had something in my head telling me that Ricky would never do that, but there was also a voice in the back of my head saying that Ricky was capable of that. My heart said he couldn't, though.

I had known him for years, and I knew Rick would never harm anyone, let alone the guys. There was just no way I was going to kill him. No way in Hell.

Chris cut in before I could, "No, no way. There has to be-"

"There is no other way," Ashley said, walking to her curtain, "You either kill him, or you wait for him to kill you."

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