Chapter 2

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"Alright we are here." our driver said. We finally came back to my holy land. The studio. This place is where I let my mind go and wander and do its own thing.

We walk in the cold building and greeted by Simon. "boys, y/n. Missed you guys tons." he said smiling while greeting us with a hug. "we missed you too." liam said. "so how is the tour so far? fun eh?" he said while leading us to the studio. "yeah the shows have been absolutely insane. We can't wait to start the American leg." I continued on. "that's awesome." he said looking back and pushing the door open. Into the room we go me and Niall are having a conversation not paying attention to the room in front of us. We sit down on the couch and continue laughing about memroies of Harry busting ass on stage. As our laughs grew louder, we heard a big cough that caused silence by Simon. I look the left to see 5 beautiful girls come outside of the booth with wide eyes. I just sat quiet. As silence took over the room, Simon soon broke it by saying "well one direction meet fifth harmony, fifth harmony meet one direction. The girls were just finishing up there last work on there album so that's why they are here." He continued. I look and observe the girls. First I see is a tall blonde, cute but a taste of Beyoncé. Next is another tall dark skinned girl, she looks like she's a good dancer. After is a short little stack, cute. Then I see the familiar face of camila. I don't really know her but I've seen her kinda. Seems like a nice girl. Then finally I reach and see a breathtaking emerald eyed girl with palish skin and black locks. Holy fuck is my dream girl standing in front of me? I think so.

I was literally just staring at her for seconds after I heard. "alright guys stop drooling and be professional." Simon said breaking the silence and causing each and every one of us to snap back out of our trance. Guess I'm not the only one alone here. I was the first person to stand up and greet each of the girls kindly with a handshake. Damn this green eyed girl is killing me. I soon to fade into finding out the names of these girls are Dinah, Normani, Ally, Camila, and... Lauren. I gave them each my signature smile and sat back down once each of the boys greeted them too. "ok can I first start off by saying I'm a huge fan of your music. Ever since I was little I used to jam constantly and I still do." the camila girl said.

"Well that's great to here." I said in my thick British accent with a smile. "So since these girls are done recording we are going to start recording y/n's part of  'ready to run'. We just need to get this high note done and we will continue on to the next songs. Girls would you like to stay and keep these boys out of trouble?" Simon pleaded. The girls all chuckled and laughed. "sure we'd love to." ally said. "alright y/n your up." nick the soundboard guy said. I take off my bomber jacket to be left in my thin white tee with black ripped jeans. I drink some water and head in the booth. I put on the headphones and begin to hear the music play. "okay y/n remember the riff we practiced. Try that and see how it goes" Simon Said. I nodded as a response. Okay I got this. I hear my part coming up. "This time I'm ready to ruuuuhuhn, I'll give everything I got for your LOOOOOVEE." I belted out, closed my eyes and tried my hardest, aware of the vein popping out of my neck. I took a breathe after that. "THATS IT! THAT WAS IT!" Simon said cheering. I smile and put the headphones away.

I walk out of the booth, looking at all the girls with there jaw dropped. The boys just continuing to play around. "okay I thought you sounded amazing in songs but you sound even better live." Dinah said. I smiled "thank you." I said.

I sat down and started writing lyrics trying to get my thoughts down while the other boys were recording around and messing with the girls. I tapped on the paper and put sounds in my head trying to compose something. I felt the couch dip. "so what are you writing?" I look to my left to the girl that has those killer fucking eyes. "oh um I dunno yet to be honest. I'm just trying to make a beat or Rhythm to some of these lyrics I have." I said handing her the pad. I called this said 'Steal my girl'. After about 40 seconds of reading the lyrics she handed them back to me and smiled. "those lyrics are amazing, I like how it really touches base to the subject. Good Job y/n." she said. Her voice is so pretty and her smile is so contagious. "well thank you" I said smiling.
*2 hours later*
We have been recording for almost 2 hours and getting to the know that these girls are amazing. Me and lauren have spent plenty of time alone getting to know eachother. "cmon lets take a picture for Instagram. Camila! take this pic of us?" lauren stated. We got up from the couch and walked in from of the sound board and booth. I stand and put my hand on Lauren's waist. I can feel her shift under my touch. I like this. She put her hands together and we smiled. "Say cheese!" Camila exclaimed. Ah just like Harry. We took the snap and changed our positions. I smiled at lauren as camila handed her phone and wandered off doing her on thing. "hey text me the picture? here's my number." I said and grabbed her phone to give her my number. I put my name as the contact (a/n don't think I'm putting some corny shit that some of you do lolz.) and handed her phone back. "oh I'm sooooo posting this." I said to her. I put it in black and white and posted it on Instagram. 'Glad to have a good music sesh with this beautiful young lady tonight, x. :)' "awe cute. I'm posting mine now too." lauren exclaimed. 'just met my new favorite brit. awesome hanging with you❤️' she posted I smiled and liked it.

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