Chapter 8

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Time. Time can either go by so slow, or so fast you don't even know where it went. This tour is honestly starting to break me. I just have been having sad thoughts and just been really tired. I miss Lauren, I miss home. I just want to get back to normal.

Right now it is 2:34 am. I'm sitting in my bunk on the tour bus listening to music. We just finished our show in Chicago and now off to Miami for next show. Thankfully Lauren is going to be there and that personally is what's getting me through this as of now. I'm in my bunk listening to some j cole when I hear my phone buzz.

Lauren Jauregui

I slide my phone open and read the text.

Lauren: Hi baby. I'm missing you more than words can describe right now and I can't wait to see you. I just landed in Miami and headed home to my parents house right now. I Love you❤️

Y/n: missing you more babygirl. I'm good with meeting your parents, it will be all good. Love you and i can't wait to see your beautiful face 😜

Lauren: lol get some rest tiger. See you tomorrow 😍

i smiled and locked my phone. God i miss that girl. I put my music back on and close my eyes feeling the weight get heavier and slowly drifting off to sleep.
"Y/n. Cmon y/n time to wake up. Let's go." i felt my body be slightly nudged back and forth. I open my eyes to see Niall hovering over me. "We are in Miami sunshine. Time to get up. We have a day off!" he said with a smile. "Day off? we actually?" i said in a morning voice. "Yeah mate all interviews got cancelled so call up your girl and let's have a relaxing day." i said. Lauren oh my god i get to hang out with her!

I wake up and see it's 10:03 am. She has to be up by now. I go to my contacts click on her number and call her.

After a couple rings i heard.

Lauren: Hello?

It sounded like she just woke up.

Y/n: Morning beautiful.

Lauren: Y/n? Shouldn't you be in an interview?

Y/n: No, thankfully all interviews got cancelled. Im so fucking happy. What are you doing right now?

Lauren: Nothing baby i just woke up

Y/n: Come to my hotel, yeah? I need to see you

Lauren: aw okay send me the address and i'll get over there as soon as I can

Y/n: alright sounds good. Text me when you're here. Dress comfy.

Lauren: kk bye babe

Y/n: alright bye

We hung up the phone and I got out of my bunk and went to the bathroom. I looked at what i was wearing and it was a black comfy sweatshirt from when i played soccer in high school with a pair of grey sweatpants. I just left it on knowing that me and Lauren will most likely not do anything but cuddle and watch movies all day. I got into my bunk and grabbed my charger and backpack and headed outside of the bus. There were zero fans which was good because i was honestly just tired and wanted to go straight to my room.
I unlocked the door and was opened to see a good sized suite with one king bed. I was supposed to bunk with Louis but he knew about lauren coming and went to Harry's room. To thankfully give Lauren and I our much needed privacy.

I put my bag down and took my sweatshirt off. Leaving me in my t shirt and comfy grey sweats. I walk over to the bed and as soon as i land I hear a knock on the door. Ughhh. I push my arms up to use them as a steady way to pick myself up and walk over to the door.

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