Our Bi-polar Relationship

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First thing I noticed when I woke up was I had a Massive headache. I blinked my eyes to adjust them to the morning sun that was shining through the blinds. The second thing I noticed really freaked me out. "Why is everything upside down?" I spoke aloud to myself. I took the covers off me and they soon disappeared.
"What the— AHHHH!" ‘THUMP’ I had fallen out of my bed, head first. I slowly rose rubbing my head. "Why is my bed ON THE WALL!" I yelled to apparently no one. Then I thought back on last night. "Trey!" I whispered loudly and stomped off to the bathroom.
"UGHHH!" I screamed. My Bathroom was a totally mess. Water was on the floor, soaking wet toilet paper and towels were everywhere, and not to mention It was a BIG heart made on my mirror, with words inside.
"I hope you like the makeover baby. P.S. This is written in RED lipstick next time It won’t be(; Love, Trey."
I thought to myself "What the heck? Why is he doing all of this? Last night we were cool but now…." I was interrupted by Mother yelling from downstairs. "Hurry up love, school starts in 30minutes." It was gonna take a miracle to work all this out.

"I was getting ready to come up there." My mom said after I had descended the steps. "Get your breakfast and Lets go. You also have a letter." My eyes popped. A letter? No one writes letters anymore. I got out my breakfast and began eating. After I headed to the car with the letter in my hands. I started reading it after getting in the Car.
"Dear Carter, Hey This is Trey…."
"Aww how sweet it’s a letter from Trey." I thought.
"I know what you’re thinking, aw how sweet it’s a letter from Trey….."
"It is exactly what I’m thinking." I thought as I continued to read:
"Anyway it’s not as sweet as you think. I know you’re wondering about your room. Yeah I did that. I had almost forgot your just a little stupid human with no idea of what a vampire is. Yeah you’ve read all the little books about us, they’re not even true but let me get to the point. I don’t like you and what happened last night was just an accident. If you were smart you would have never went with Diggy and Saw his "True Colors". I still don’t like you and never will. So try not to think about me. I am a little distracting
Je te hais, Trey"

"We are here. Have a great day love." My mom said as she kissed my forehead.
"Uh okay mum." I got out the car. I walked up to the steps. I was feeling Very Disturbed.
"Hey Cleo!" I turned around. It was Danny. "Hi." I said a little quiet. I was not in the mood to talk. "Wassup Cleo? Why the long face." She asked me as we walked into class. "Nothing. I was just thinking." ….About how to kill Trey.
"Oh." She said. We walked past the cheerleaders and Clover came to join us. "HEY YOU GUYS!" She said in a very perky voice it almost made me smile. Almost.
"What’s wrong with her?" She asked Danny. "Why does everyone think it’s something Wrong with me?" I shot at them to. They didn’t respond.
Astrix walked over. She looked at me and shrugged her shoulders. I heard a voice. "Yeah Bro I’m Kind of amazing." It was distant but it stood out and familiar. "Trey shut up." I heard an unfamiliar voice say. Trey that’s who I’m looking for and that’s who I’m going to find.
I could feel my pace pick up but the girls were right on my tail. I spotted Trey in a group by corner but his back was turned. I stopped walking and turned around to the girls. "Hey wait here. Okay." I told them. "Who are you going to talk to?" Danny asked me. "Just wait here." I turned my back around and Cleared my thoughts.
I walked over and Anger filled my veins. I tapped his shoulder. He didn’t move. I tapped again he ignored me. I tried pulling his arm but I couldn’t. It was like he was a boulder. The people he was talking to snickered and that made me mad.
"Trey. Turn Yo’ ass around RIGHT NOW!" I said sternly. He stopped talking and turned around quick.
"What?" He said like I was wasting his time, in a very angered voice. It made me scared but I still stood tall.
"What the Hell is this!" I said holding the letter in my hand. "Uh, a letter." He replied.
"That’s not what I mean and You know it." He took the letter out my hand. "It’s a warning."
"Don’t get you’re panties in a knot babe." He’s screwing with me again and I don’t like it. I had enough.
"Don’t." I warned. "Aw babe you’re still getting mad. Want a cookie?" His boys laughed. Something inside me snapped. I put my hands around his shirt and pushed him into the lockers. His face was shocked at first then returned normal. "What are you gonna do? Kill me." He smirked. "Die and Go to Hell." I spat in a whisper. "But babe, I’m already dead." Those words were...Disturbing. I let go of his shirt and backed away. I could see him smirking as he mouth the words: "See you soon." Just then The bell rang.

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