Hate to Tell You...

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-Astrix's Pov-

I ran, Ran so fast. My chest was burning and My body ached but instead of stopping, I just pumped my legs faster. I only have one place to go. The only place I really know. Home.

After 'rounding the block, I took a leap. It was about 30feet in the air until I dropped onto my roof. Panting, I hurried to a window, busting it open, I entered with a backwards flip. "A'lanee! A'lanee!" I yelled and ran to her room, in my surprise it was Ashley to open A'lanee's door. "Where is 'Lanee?" I asked, crouching down to her level. She just shook her head. "What? Where is she, this is important!" I yelled at her. She winced a little before her face goes blank. I narrow my eyes at her. She looked around as if making sure no one was there and told me to come close with her hand. I didn't hesitate.

"Victor." She whispered. My eyes go wide. My fist clench into a tight ball and I was just about to Slam my fist in the wall before Ashley tells me to stop and calm down. "Where is he?" She shrugs her shoulders. "He left with her?" She nods. "And you're by yourself?" She shakes her head no and before I could question a hand touches me. "Turn around." I slowly turn around to be staring in the eyes of something Wicked. "Stacey?" She grins widely and strikes my face.

I get back up and push Ashley to the side. "Get somewhere safe." I say in a short breathe before punching Stacey back. She moves so that I miss. She then leaps on top of me pinning me down, watching me struggle under her. "Look at you." She gushes in a Snake like hiss. "Defenseless and Struggling." She breathes so close to my face That I can smell her breath. It smells like Blood.

She strokes my face with her hand Gently. Almost likes she's admiring me. She leans into my face so close that our noses touch. I don't like this. At All. "It's funny. At first I thought you were Gay." She laughs in my face. Oh God the Smell. "But Craig's has changed you. I don't like it." The last words were Cold and Hard and Stern. She Gets up in a flash and presses her foot on my Throat. My hands immediately shot to my throat trying to pry her Foot or at least stop any more pressure. "I'm going to make this as quick as possible." She says before the last noise I hear is a Cracking sound.

-Cleo's Pov-

I enter my lovely home, A 7 story mansion.  "Kiyana!" I call out to my most Loyal Servant. Though I look at her as maybe a Friend. Well she is Loyal and Kind to me. So yes, a Friend. "Yes, Your Majesty?" She comes in dressed in yellow. I take in her Appearance. "Nice." I compliment before sitting down. She takes on a Blush and Smiles. "Thank You, Your Ma-" "Call me Cleo." I stop her in the middle of her sentence. She just nods. "Thank you, Cleo." I, now, smile at her. "So, Yes, Kiyana, Get the Army loaded. The new weapons are in the Secret place but I take it you knew that." She nods and is off.

I huff, My hair flying from my eyes. What to do, What to d-

"CLAY DOE!" I jump from the loud outburst then Groan when I see who it came from. "Shawnna, Hello." I say in a fake 'glad-to-see-you' voice. "Wassup Clay Doe! Miss you Gurl." She says. "My name's Cleo. Not Clay Dough, But Cleo." I correct with a hand on my forehead, shaking my head slightly. "YEAH SO UHHH...." She pauses because she's thinking of a reason as to why she came to disturb me.

"Shawnna! There you are! Come on We must get ready, For Cleo has a important gathering tonight that insists we all must come." Here is Kiyana to save the day, Like always. "Ohhhhh." Is the only Response Shawnna can say before being dragged out of the room. Oh That reminds me. What's a Party without guests. With a sway of my hand, I summon the magical portal. It's not so much of a traveling to another dimension portal but a see another person from another dimension portal. Confusing? I know. 

I wait as I hear the Dial ringing. "Cleo!" Voices say in unison. I smile as I notice Chelsey's and Bianca's beings start forming. "Hey you guys! I miss you both!" I wave at them. You see, Chels is actually from My old home town. Before I moved to Cali. She's one of my Best friends and to my surprise she's a Lycan. Her dad is a Norm while her mum is Full on Wolf. But Bianca is one of my 'Hell Friends'. We met during Passing, instantly clicking after I commented that the Prince was Hot. I meant that literally. I mean We Were in Hell. Anyway,

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