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"This might hurt only alot." He smirked as his cold lips pressed against my neck. Oh God, help me. Please I can’t die. I can’t die. Not with what I had to tell Trey. I thought.
"Tell me What?" He lefted his mouth from my neck. "That I- I- I………"

"That I- I- I…." I began. "I don’t have all day." Trey said Tightening his grip on my neck. ‘If only the bitch would let go….’ I thought. My eyes widen.

" I’m sorry!" I screamed in my head. "I didn’t mean -" I stopped my thought. He let me go. I stared at him bewildered. "Now, what did you have to tell me?" He said towering over me. 

I looked over behind him. I pushed him. He stumbled back and I made a run for it but I didn’t make it far. soon someone grabbed me and threw me back. I hit a tree. I was dizzy but I saw Trey face in mines. "Aw you Bitch!" I said rubbing my head.I can’t believe he did that.

"Believe it! And if you ever pull something like that again—" He paused. His eyes turned solid black. "What?" I said horrified. He took a quick glance at my body and licked his lips. I knew exactly what that meant.

"You have 5 second to get out of here. Try to…." He gulped. "Hide the smell." He said referring to my bleeding. I got up. It was painful but I ran. Ran so fast. I was pushing myself so bad. It took about 5minutes for me to reach the school and I push through the doors.

Attention was all over me. I limped about 5inches into the school when a group of boys came over to me with Black eyes. Like Trey’s. I tried covering up the smell with my jacket as they backed me into a corner.

"Aren't you a little warm with that jacket on?" One of them asked me.

"How bout I help you take it off?" Another said.

"Calm down boys I think she scared." One had laughed. "We don’t bite."

"But you’re a V-vampire?" I stuttered.

"Oh the little saint knows what we are."

"Then you know what we drink." They smiled real evil like. I knew I was gonna die. I rather would have been bitten by Trey then this group.

"Move out my Way!" I saw this guy appear in front of my eyes. "She’s with me." He grabbed me roughly almost. One of the vampire dudes stopped him."You sure Craig, she’s a little low for your taste."

I watched as Craig slammed the guy into the lockers. It was a huge dent where he had been thrown. "Anybody else has something to say?" The boy or Craig as the other one had called him, had said. Everyone nodded no.

"I thought so." He grabbed me again and we walked down the hall. Then turned the corner. He let me go.

"T-thank you for doing that." He put his hand up telling me to stop. He walked down the hall. "Wait!" I called out. "Why weren’t you scared?"

He turned around to me. In a flash he was in front of me. "why would I be scared of my own kind?" He smiled a toothy smile as to where I saw his Huge as Fuck fangs. He walked off.

"Oh and don’t thank me. Thank Trey." Soon he disappeared in front of my very eyes. What the hell!

"Cleo!!!! There you are! We’ve been looking for you everywhere!" Danny’s voice said as her, Astrix and Clover came closer to me. "What’s that smell?" Astrix asked as she made a face.

 I turned and took off my jacket. I looked at their faces, they had wide eyes. "Let’s get you to the Nurse and quick before anyone sees you." We started walking off into another direction and soon we made it to the nurse. "What seems to be the problem?" The nurse said.

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