What I am

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I was Blinking my eyes rapidly due to the light shining in my eye. I tried to raise up but I couldn’t. I look over to see a Sleeping Trey, stripped of his shirt with his arm around me. I smiled a little. I then removed his arm from me But instead he gripped me tighter and snuggled against me. “Oh my gosh!” I huffed. “Treyyyy…..” “Trey, hunnie?” I called out. “Hmmmm.” He hummed. “Can you just GET OFF OF ME!?!?!” I yelled. “I don’t wanna.” He retorted in a baby voice. I giggled. “Pweaaasssseeeee?” I begged. In a flash he was straddling over me. “I love it when you beg.” I saw him smirk. I pushed him off of me. “FAKER!” I yelled. Standing up then stretching. He just watched me. “Why are you looking at me like that?” I asked in a suspicious Voice.

“Because You’re just looking Oso good.” He winked. His eyes started turning Black. “Uhm listen Trey Yeah, Did you feed lately?” He shook his head no. “Well uhm How bout You go do that.” I said a little awkwardly. “Oh yeah. You gotta come with.” I looked at him “Why?” “Cause, I’m not leaving you by yourself. So come on.” He put me on his back and we zipped out to some field. “Where are we?” I asked. This place was beautiful. “A place I come to for everything.” “Li-” “SHH.” He cut me off. "I watched him as he walked quietly over to sometime of deer or something.

“Cover your Eyes.” He told me in my head. I did as I was told and Covered my eyes. I could hear the noises as he feed. “Ew.Ew.Ew.Ew.Ewwww.” I spoke to myself. That’s just nasty. About what felt like forever did I hear him stop. I uncovered my eyes to see nothing at all. No mess. No blood. No deer. But I do see Trey. It was like nothing ever happened. I walked over to him as he stared off into the distance. “Whatchu looking at?” I asked. He pointed out to the distance. I focused out to the distance “Is that Everyone?” I asked aloud. “Yep.” He told me. I thought about why they would be all the way out her. “Race you?” He spoke again, making me snap out of thought. “Sure.”
“On your, mark, Get set, GO!” We both raced down the hill. Into the forest. I was dodging branches and trees. I could feel something race through my veins. It was a Rush. I could hear Trey’s Feet brush against the leaves. Nope he wasn’t gonna win this. I picked up my sped and an opening became visable . I smirked to myself and Sprinted over to it. “CLEO!” I saw the girls look up at me. I came to a sudden stop.

“Hey you guys!” I spoke cheerily. “Dayum, Cleo You’re fast.” Trey’s voice whispered in my ear. I turned around “I guess. Thanks to you.” “Ohhhh, Is this LOVE that I’m hearing?!” Danny Joked. The girl’s laughed. “No we are just the same old. I hate him, He hates me.” Trey wrapped his arm around my waist. “That proves otherwise.” Rayon’s voice said, startling me. “Trey what are you doing?” I asked. “Nothing, just wrapping my arm around my girl.” “Trey, We are too different people. I’m a human and your a vampire. I don’t do the whole immortal and mortal dating thing.” I stated flatly. “Whatever.” He dropped his arm. “So what are we going to do?” I asked. Everyone looked at eachother and Sang together “I dunno.” Okay we better find something —

“Finally, We just picked a simple game. Tag. “Tag you’re IT!” Astrix tagged me. Shit! Now at this point everyone was halfway down the field. I started running. I thought I’d tag Trey. “Come Here YOU!” I yelled trying to tag him. He sped away. Several minutes of chasing him I got a pain in both of my legs. I broke down. “FUUUUUU!” I screamed. “What the heck happened to Her?” Clover voice screeched. “My legs gave out.” I told her. Then my legs started itching. I scratched away. “Ahhhh! Feels. So. GOOOOODDDDD” I dragged. “Df? You got flees?” Jacob asked. “Heck. Naw. I. Just. ITCH!” I screamed. I gave me a glare. “Lets just get you up.” Craig and Astrix picked me up. My legs felt better a little. “You okay?” They asked me. I nodded. “I’m just going to sit down. Enjoy the view.” I sat down They continued playing the game.

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