Taking Action.

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--Trey's Pov--

I sat on my Throne, in my Castle. I was rather bored in this Big palace, but no. Not tonight. I watch as The Sky goes Completely Black. It's a Beautiful sight Really. Until it's ruined by the many lights of my home. But no Matter. I have business to attend to. 

 I walk down the long hallway, into a familiar room to be greeted by my Lovely 'Friend'. "Veronica." "Trey bae. Hi." She gave me a wave as she spoke Slowly. How I hate when she tries to Seduce me with that slow speaking. She's reminding me of a Certain Blonde I know. . . 

 "Trey?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at her. "Hm?" "I said, Are you thinking what I'm thinking Bae?" Eck. Bae how I hate that Word. It's UGLY! It makes me feel uncomfortable. how I hate being uncomfortable. "Actually no. I was thinking I have plenty of work to do. I'll.... Catch up with you later?" I spoke while walking to the door. A death grip was placed on my arm. I turned slowly to face Veronica, giving her the 'wtf are you doing?' look.  My eyes widen in Horror. It was a flash but I caught it.... Her face, It changed? I could be wrong but she took on the same look of that Certain Blonde I know... Stacey

"What's wrong Bae?" She looked at me, and I shook my head. "Nothing. I just have a lot on my mind. So i'm just gonna Go..." I quickly exited the room and headed to my study. Entering the room, I shut the door and locked it. I sat down at my Dark Brown desk. It reminded me of the Dark Chocolate women I would see in The Underworld. Unlike here on Earth, the underworlders don't Judge on How Dark you are, How Light, How Fat, How Skinny, How Tall, How Short, How Smart, How Anything! Unlike here on Earth, The Underworld is about Peace and Togetherness. We depend on each other but are STILL independent hard workers. And Those Chocolate women, I can't Describe to you how bad they Turn me on. ;)

 It's not even the body that matters. Though, I do like a Lady with a Nice shape. Like the Coca Cola bottle. I find intelligence that make The Female attractive. Now they, They have all that. Body and Brains. Maybe that's what I saw in Cleo. Now that think about it, She did always have an Ass. . .

 I shake my head. Cleo's Dead and won't be coming back anytime soon.  No use Crying over spilled milk.

I open up my Laptop, and Log into my account. I had about 27 messages, So I check them. "Trey. Meeting Urgent. We have a Problem."  All 27 messages, All from Jacob. I wonder. So I type back, "Alright. I'll be in the Library."  But before leaving I scroll down and spot a post that catches my attention, "H E L P! ! !" Before seeing the creator of the post my phone goes off. I exit the browser and answer the phone. "Trey where are you?" "Oh, I'll be there in just a moment Jacob." I hang up the phone and jog down to the Library. Surprisingly I find Jacob and He's not alone. There is Veronica and Two of the many Males in my Entourage. 

 "What's going on?" I question after taking a seat. Jacob has a blank expression. "She's back." "Who?" I raise my eyebrow. "Cleo."  





"Impossible! She's dead. I made sure of That, Remember?" My voice is booming. That's just not Logical. "Well someway, Somehow, She's managed to Live again." I get up and pace around the Room, Thinking. What am I gonna do?  I come to a stop at the Desk and look at the Faces that watch me. "And?" I ask as if Unfazed. "and If We don't do anything now, She's going to Get you!" Veronica yells. "By this you mean?" I asked, indifferently. Mostly because Who The hell does she Thinks she Yelling at? Certainly Not I. She groans and I smirk. "SHE'S OUT FOR REVENGE!" This word. This one Word. It hits me like a Ton of Bricks. Revenge? Revenge for what? Killing her? If anything, I did her a Favor. I should be getting  Revenge. "She wants to take back the Castle Trey. She wants to Strip you of your Royalty. She wants what you have. Power." Jacob says, Walking over to me and Grabbing my shoulders. "We aren't gonna let her take it. Just like that are we?" He says. His voice, I'm not sure what it is but There is something to it. I shake my head and look at Jacob, Veronica and the Two men. "No." "Just no?" Jacob looks over at Veronica and She mumbles something under her breath. I believe it sounds like 'Fight.' But I had no time to think as The words rush out of my mouth and a Smirk plays on my Lips. "No. Not without a Fight." Jacob squeezes my Shoulders. "Good." 

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