The Truth Revealed

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-Trey’s Pov-

I can’t believe Cleo turned out to be my Fucking Enemy. Now She’s chasing me, like I’m a car. Playful Ass. “Come on Trey, Stop playing Hard to get!” I heard her shout for each Direction.She’s smart but Not that smart. I keep running. Until Dead end.

Oh Great.

I could here her growl from behind me, I put my hands up in surrender and turned around slowly to face Cleo’s big Beautiful Gold eyes. She might be my enemy now, but I will always have a thing for her. “Listen Cleo. Let’s not do this, We can Talk it out.” “I don’t wanna work it out, I just wanna. . . .” There was a pause in her sentence. I looked at her and her eyes where another color. Blue-ish.

“Cleo What The Fuck?” No reply. “Heeelllooooo? Cleo. It’s me Trey. The Guy you just wanted to Kill a few seconds ago.” I waved my hands in her face. After about 10 seconds she moved. “Took you long enough.” She moved again. “Trey?” She questioned. Was She slow or what? Didn’t I just say my name. “Uh Who else?”

She Blinked and her eyes went back to Gold. She moved backwards then Rushed back in the direction we both Came from. “Cleo? CLEO WAIT!!!” I yelled after her. I heard her yell in pain then Everything went Quiet. What is going on.

Before I could even look for her, I heard Howls. I took off in the Direction of my own home. She was going to be fine at least.

- – - – - -

-M o r n i n g / S c h o o l -

I entered The school doors Like Always. My Fitted Jeans were comfy on me, and My White Nikes were bright as Day.

“Heeey Treey.” Girls Dragged and winked at me. I showed them the Winning smile and They passed out. “Gets them everytime.” I spoke to myself. A chuckled followed. I walked over to my locker to see the Boys there. “Waddup Dawwg.” We dapped up.

“Yoo.” I responded. After putting my books up I turned to the guys. “Hey, You guys seen Cleo?” I asked real innocent like. They shrugged. “Aw Trey worried Bout his Girl.” Craig joked. " I punched him. “Nigga Naw!” Just then there gaze was removed from me. “Well Nigga you should be!” Rayon exclaimed. I looked over to where they were looking at, to see This Goddess or Shall I say Demon walking with 3 other girls. Astrix, Clover and Danny.

Her flowing Hair was Jet Black with Red streaks here and there, Her Outfit consisted of Leather, Chains and More leather. Way to save the Animals. But What really stood out was her Eyes. Gold. There’s only one person I knew with Gold Eyes who Hung with Those Chicks.

“CLEO!” I yelled trying to Get her attention. But Jacob spun me around.“Dude what The Heck do you think you’re doing?” He asked me. “I’m trying to talk to Cleo.What else?” “It looks like you’re trying to CARE, Remember Your reputation and OURS.” He told me. I looked at him as if he was crazy. “What are you saying?” “Im saying is, You can’t just care for some girl, She’s a Bloody Mortal!” (Getting British are we? Hehe)

He really pulled my Strings. “She’s not just A MORTAL!” I yelled. After realizing what I said, I covered my mouth. “What Did you say?” Jacob asked sternly, Confusion and Fustration in his voice. “I- I-” I didn’t know what to say, until a finger tapped me. I turned around to See Cleo. She had a smirk on her face. “You Like The New look.” She twirled around. “I knew you would.” She said without my reply.

“Hey I’m just gonna borrow him for a second.” She pulled me away. I looked back at the guys. Craig looked worried. Jacob looked pissed. and Rayon He mouthed “Get Some.” with a Cheesy grin on his face. That Boy. I turned back around and noticed we were heading into the boiler room. She opened the door and closed it gently. Our hands were still in sync.

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