}01{ Hua

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Rose's POV

"Bye, mom!" I yelled and slammed the car door shut. It was December and we had just moved to a new school after something that happened at my old school, I was starting anew in another school as an 9th grader, my new school was somewhere in Korea even though I wasn't even Korean or even know how to speak Korean.

I walked into the classroom and saw 9 boys and 8 girls in the class.

"Ok, ok, everyone, settle down, settle down please" the teacher said, "this is our new student, Rose. Rose, please introduce yourself to the class."

I walked up shyly to the front and center of the class, "Hello, my name is Rose Grayson. I'm 14, I come from California, and I like to draw," I pulled out a drawing of a rose that I had made myself, and everyone looked slightly impressed.

"Thank you, Rose, that's a very pretty drawing as well, Natalie here also knows how to draw," she pointed out a girl with silky black hair, wearing trendy clothes, and fierce dark brown eyes that almost looked black, "please sit down, Rose," she said as I was seated in front of Natalie but next to a boy who looked over at me and when I looked back, he looked away but blushed and smiled. I saw his cute dimples.

At lunch, I sat by myself, while drawing in my book. In the middle of drawing, I felt someone's presence next to me and turned my head to see the boy I was sitting next to.

"Hi," he said shyly.

"Hi..." I responded, only glancing up from my drawing book for just a second and then looked back down.

"I'm Zhang Yixing, but you can call me Lay."

"Oh, I'm Rose. Nice to meet you, Lay." The bell rang, I closed my art sketchbook, and stood up, packing my stuff, "your drawings are really cool, I really liked the rose," he said as we started walking.

"Oh thanks, do you like to draw or..." I asked him

"No, I play guitar and dance, I'm actually really pretty bad at drawing- where's your next class?"

"It says I have Chinese," I said as I looked at my schedule

"Ooooooo me too! Let's go there together," he sounded pretty excited, but he stopped in his tracks and held me by wrists as we ran through the hallway and finally reached a door, once we opened it, I sat down at my own desk.

During class, I just drew the entire time. Lay sat behind me and he kept throwing paper balls at me. When the teacher walked out of the room, Lay leaned against his table and whispered only loud enough for me to hear

"If you help me with my art, then I'll help you with your Chinese."

The teacher walked back in and asked me the first question.

"Rose, how do you say flower in mandarin?" I was completely clueless until Lay whispered again, "hua..." while scratching the back of his head.

"Hua." I said confidently. She wrote it on the board

"Very good, Rose."

School was over. I went out and I waited for my mom at the steps of the front of the school. I knew she was gonna be 45 minutes late so there would be no one left. I looked to my left and saw Natalie approaching me with her arms crossed, I slowly started to walk away trying to be unnoticeable but then, somehow she zoomed in front of me, like she had super speed or something.

"Wha-what are you?!" I practically screamed, she pushed me to the ground, she grabbed my wrist and she slowly but surely and painfully squeezed against it

"Someone who is here to tell you to stay away from Lay and to not do your stupid art anymore, it's not even good." She grabbed my backpack as I looked up at her with fright.

She took out my art sketchbook and walked away, leaving me behind, holding on to my wrist as I screamed in pain.

"Rose? What happened?" Lay came out the front door and ran over to me

"Natalie did something, she has some sort of weird powers!" I said as I kept holding my wrist which was at an excruciating pain at this point

Lay looked like he was going to do something but was hesitating to do it.

"What?" I asked him, still in pain

"You can't tell anyone about what you saw about Natalie, ok?" Lay said seriously

"Why the hell does that matter? She freaking broke my wrist!"

"Just trust me and don't tell anyone, please..." He pleaded me

"Fine...what are you going to do?"

Without another word, he held my wrist, closed his eyes, and I could feel the pain where it hurt, was disappearing. Once it was all gone, he helped me to my feet.

"Lay?" I asked, looking up at him, my mom's car drove up and I turned my head for a second, when I turned back around, he was gone.

Lay's POV

"Hyung, you're so lucky I saved you!" Kai bragged as he poured himself a glass of juice.

"Guys, will you shut up? I'm trying to beat Baekhyun's score" Sehun complained

"Haha keep trying, Sehun, and you just might." Baekhyun said jokingly.

"You better hope she doesn't tell anyone about us," Suho said in a warning voice

"She won't..." I really wasn't sure, but after today I could only hope.

"Guys, shut up, I need to finish my homework," Xiumin complained to us

We're 15 year olds, all 9 of us have powers, and only one power. Natalie is the niece of the ruler of the underworld, yes Hades, so she's part devil. That's why I couldn't have Rose running around, telling people that a girl with super speed and super strength broke her wrist. The only solution was to heal her with my powers, right? But this time, it was different, my powers were more stronger than usual when I used it on her.

"Lay, what's wrong?" Chanyeol asked as he looked up from his homework.

"Hm? Oh nothing." I quickly said

"Okay." He drank the last bit his water

"Suho!" Chanyeol yelled and Suho, without even looking up from his book, with a flick of his finger, filled the glass with water, "thank you."

Kyungsoo walked in holding a plastic bag, his eyes screamed anger, "who dyed my PE clothes pink?"

Chen suddenly snorted and burst into laughter while clutching his stomach.

"Oh you think that's funny huh?" Kyungsoo said, before we knew it, Kyungsoo grabbed Chen by his ear and dragged him down the hall, into the bathroom. We heard Chen and he was definitely scared from what we could hear, Chanyeol smirked before looking over to Kai and high fiving each other.

"It was you two, really?" Suho said

"Hey, someone has to be the prankster in the house," Chanyeol said. Suho was about to say something, until Baekhyun said

"That was pretty funny, you gotta admit."

Red RoseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora