}07{ Heal

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Rose's POV

I woke up with a major headache, and could feel someone's warm body against mine.

"Mmph..." He opened his eyes and saw me. He fell off the couch, and blinked a couple of times and looked at me.

"Why was I... On you?" He asked with wide eyes. My hair changed to my embarrassed shade (red and blue).

"You guys kind of drank too much last night..." I whispered as I sat up and fixed my hair.

"What did we do?" He looked at me and I paused as my cheeks became red, "what did I do?"

"You...umm..." I whispered, "you said you really like me." He paused and scratched his ear.

"It's fine if you didn't mean it, I mean you were drunk so..." I quickly said

"I never said I didn't mean it..." he responded looking up at me. We didn't talk for a while.

"Well, did you?" I asked nervously. He took a deep breath


I woke up and Lay was still lying on me. It was all just a dream.

I checked my phone for the time, 11:37 AM. All the guys were definitely still sleeping. I looked out the window and couldn't believe my eyes.

"Mom?" I said in a shocked whisper, I quickly pushed Lay off my body, and ran outside.

"MOM?!" I saw her in the distance, she started walking away, I ran after her barefoot, and before I knew it, I transformed into a wolf. I finally caught up with her and we stood there, she was about 3 feet away. I turned back into a human and tears trickled down my face.

I walked towards her with open arms and was about to hug her but then I walked into her. She turned into a poof of dust.

"Long time, no see, Rose..." I turned around and came face to face with Natalie, "you really thought that was your mother, didn't you?" she laughed

"Natalie, what are you doing here?" I asked clenching my fists, just seeing her made me mad

"I'm here to collect a soul, but..." she looked up at me as her eyes became black, "my uncle really wants to see you, and he can't come up here himself, so I thought what better way to see him than to kill you?"

She transformed into something that looked like a werewolf except 2 times bigger than me, it had sharper claws, bigger teeth, chains hung loosely around it's neck, and it had scratch marks all over its body, she turned into a black one and pounced on me right when I transformed into a wolf. I tried to fight back but she was 2 times bigger then me.

I stared into her black eyes, she snarled and was about to bite my neck.

All of a sudden, I felt the pressure of her body on mine disappear. I looked and saw a black wolf fighting the hell hound. Before I knew it, she bit his shoulder.

"Lay! No!" I screamed and saw him transform into his human form, he fell to the floor. Her eyes widened and she chased after him as well.

I put his head in my lap, he looked up at me as tears trickled down my face. I looked at his shoulder and even if I didn't want it to be, the fatal bite was there.

"Lay, I'm so sorry..." Natalie came over

"What do you care?! You were the one who did this to him!" I screamed at her

"You don't know it, but there's a reason I told you to stay away from him. I loved him. He's the only person I've ever loved. And yes I mean ever. I didn't know trying to hurt you would hurt him..." My hair started turning into a black and white galaxy.

"Your blood... It can heal him..." she whispered

"What?" I looked at her

"I'll leave you guys alone. Just...be careful, please." She said and she transformed into the hound and disappeared into the woods.

I looked down at where I could see the veins on my arm, I brought my mouth up to it, slowly biting down on my arm. I looked at the blood dripping on my arm and saw Lay, now unconscious, and brought my arm up to his mouth. At first the blood only dripped into his mouth but then he closed his lips around it and started sucking up the blood. The bite on his shoulder disappeared, and he sat up and looked at me.

"I thought I lost you..." I whispered, tears falling down my face at the same time. He helped me to my feet and pulled me into his warm embrace.

"After last night, you don't think I could let you hang like that, do you?" he pulled away and wiped my tears away with his thumb.

"So you do remember last night then?" I asked curiously

"Of course."

"So you meant every word you said then?"

"Yup. I also read your mind and heard you confess that you like me too, sooo...." I looked down as he held my hands

"I have liked you from the very first moment I saw you." He lifted my chin to look up at him.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

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