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Rose's POV

I woke up in my bed at my old house. I immediately sat up and looked around at my surroundings. Everything was how it was before it was all burned down.

"Honey, get up, you're going to be late for school," my mom said as she poked her into my room, seeing her made me jump up and hug her while crying into her shoulder, "what? Why are you crying?" She moved my hair out of my face

"I'm just really happy to see you," I said and wiped my tears, "wait, where's-" I was cut off when a man behind my mom said, "what's taking you girls so long, Rose, sweetheart, why are you crying?"

"She said she's really happy to see us," my mom said and I just looked at him


"Yes, that's me. Your one and only." He said jokingly

I instantly hugged him and more happy tears streamed down my face.

"I missed you both so much!" I cried

"Ok, sure, we missed you too sweetheart, but we have to get going, ok?" My mom said putting an arm around my shoulder and directing me downstairs

"Yeah, let's go..." I said

We drove to the school and the whole time I couldn't stop staring at my dad.

"Sweetheart, are you sure you're alright?" My mom looked at me and asked

"Hmm? Oh I'm great." I responded with a smile

When we got to the school, I gave both my mom and dad a hug.

"Have a great first day, honey!" My dad said and waved

'First day? How old am I supposed to be?' I thought to myself

I then realized today was the first day of 9th grade, when I met Lay. My smile instantly turned into a frown.

'I hope he's safe and happy wherever he is.'

I walked into the classroom and instantly saw and recognized 9 boys and 8 girls.

"Quiet down please, this is our new student, Rose Grayson," the teacher introduced me, "Rose, tell us a little about yourselves."

"I'm Rose and I like to draw." I said and searched in my backpack for my drawing of a rose but I couldn't find it.

"I can't seem to find my drawing, mianhe~" I said and some of the classroom snickered but the boy with dimples that I recognized didn't giggle. He would only stare at me and then looked at Natalie.

"That's alright, Rose, we have Natalie here who also loves to draw." Natalie stared at me and didn't even smile, no different than the first day

At lunch, I sat and picked at my food. When I looked over at the guys, I saw Lay and he was there...kissing Natalie.

I didn't even throw away my food, I just had to get out of there, I ran down the empty hall and suddenly bumped into someone.

"Oh I'm sor-" I looked up and saw Chanyeol

"Chanyeol." I said and he looked at me surprised

"I'm sorry, do we know each other?" He asked me coldly. I gulped and it hurt to say the next words

"Sorry, guess not..." I quickly gathered myself and ran into the girl's bathroom, locked the stall and for the rest of lunch, I stayed there crying my eyes out.

When the bell rang, I walked out and into my Chinese class where I was sitting in front of Lay.

"Rose, how do you say flower in Chinese?"

"Hua..." I answered sadly

"Very good, Rose" she said as she wrote it on the board. I quickly blinked away my tears.

After school came and I waited for my mom to come pick me up. That's when Natalie walked out the front door with Lay's arm hanging around her waist, she saw me and gave me a death glare. Lay looked in her direction and saw her looking at me. He only called Natalie's name to get her to look at him and when she did, he instantly kissed her.

My mom beeped the horn and I got in the car.

"How'd your first day go?" She asked while driving

"Terrible..." I said

"Aww honey I'm sorry. Do you want to talk about it?"

I nodded my head 'no'. Lay was happy and safe and so was my family and that was all that was important.

Next Day

It was already lunch and I couldn't help but notice that Lay wasn't with Natalie. I walked down the quiet, empty halls when I felt someone grab my wrist and pull me into the janitors closet.

"Hi." He smirked at me. I just looked at him.

"I'm Zhang Yixing, but you can call me Lay." I didn't respond

"Can you talk?" I looked at his chest blankly

"Hello? Rose?" He said my name and I closed my eyes taking a deep breath, "that's your name, right? You're the new student?"


"How do you know Chanyeol's name?"

I turned my head but he only lifted my chin to look at him.

"Tell me."

I didn't say anything.

"Why do you seem like someone I used to know?" He said observing me. I closed my eyes wanting so badly to tell him, "why?" He asked me again

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you..." I whispered, he placed his hands against the door on both sides of me, surrounding me.

"Try me."

The bell rang and I quickly pushed him out of the way and went to my next class.

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