}02{ Burn

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Rose's POV

I stared at the palm of my hands as they were glowing.

"How was a school today, sweetheart?" My mom asked me but I didn't hear her.

"Sweetie?" She asked me again, "Rose?"

"Hm?" I finally heard her

"You're a little slow today," she said laughing, "I asked you how school was" she looked at the rear view mirror.

Mom's POV

I looked in the rear view mirror and saw Rose staring at her palm, some of the light was reflecting off her face.

"Mom!" Rose screamed, I saw I was driving too close to the car in front of me. I hit the brake suddenly and both of our bodies jolted forward.

"Sorry, honey, are you okay?" I looked back at her

"I'm fine." she said, the glow was gone from her palm, but it meant that her powers were coming back. It meant they would be coming for her, they would be coming quickly too.

Rose's POV

I walked upstairs and shut my bedroom door. I leaned against the door staring at my palm.

"What's happening to me?" I said as the light suddenly became rekindled. I locked myself in my room, away from the world, I didn't know what I was neither did I want to know. My mom didn't even bother me about dinner. I just wanted to be left alone.

Next Day

I walked into the classroom, avoiding eye contact with anyone and everyone, I hadn't spoken a single word to anyone all morning. At lunch, I sat outside. I knew Lay was looking at me, he was about to stand up and walk over but Natalie came over to me first.

"Hey loser," she smirked, I didn't say anything, I just silently picked at my food, "here's your stupid book back, if you ask me, I made it better," she dropped my sketchbook in front of me and it flipped open. I saw she had scribbled over every single drawing with a black sharpie. Anger rose over me all of a sudden.

"Natalie," I said, she turned around and before she could say anything, I took my tray of food and pushed it into her outfit, I looked at her straight in the eye.

"I will not be pushed around by you, I can hang around who I want, do what I want, and you're going to stop me," I said as she looked at me with her mouth dangling open.

"You really shouldn't have done that, I will make your life a living hell!" she yelled as I turned around and walked away.

Lay's POV

I followed her, she had some guts to do that to Natalie. I felt my palms glowing brighter as I approached the corner that lead to the janitor's closet.

I opened the door and saw Rose looking at her palm, she saw me and immediately hid her hand behind her back.

"Lay." She exclaimed

"What are you hiding behind your back?" I asked her

"Nothing. It's no-" I grabbed her hand and saw the glowing light on her palm.

Rose's POV

"What is it?" I whimpered

"How would I know?" He responded, we both stared at the light glowing on my palm

"Because it's on your palm, too" I grabbed his hand and showed him.

"It's finally happening." He said, he closed the door behind him

"So you know how there are 8 other guys in our class right? Ok, so we each have powers, and my power is healing, all our parents, th-they died protecting us when we left our planet, when we were babies, your mom saved us, she was the closest with the king, she was his queen. When we left our planet, then your mother was pregnant with you. All the Kings powers went to you when he died, along with your mothers when you were born. It's said that when one of the survivors, of what happened, uses one of our powers in front of you or on you then your powers will be reactivated."

I was shocked. I stared at my palm and then looked up at him.

I was about to say something but I couldn't, I was so speechless. The bell rang and we agreed to talk more after school at my house.

Mom's POV

I looked out the window and saw Rose and another boy, I recognized him. Yixing. He was here, with my daughter. One of the boys I protected when I left our planet. I was about to open the door to greet them but then there was a banging from the kitchen.

Rose's POV

I opened the door and immediately could hear my mom screams coming from the kitchen, Lay's eyes widened and he immediately took my hand and we hid in the coat closet.

He put his finger up to his mouth, signaling me to shush. From the closet, I could hear my mom's cries but she didn't cry for help, she was pleading them, "please don't hurt my daughter...please, please," I wanted to run out there and protect her but Lay grabbed me by the arm and held my body close to his so that I wouldn't go anywhere.

After what seemed like we waited forever, his eyes became calm and he breathed out a sigh of relief. I opened the door and ran straight to the kitchen.

"MOM?!" I screamed as I saw her on the ground with a puddle of blood and her gasping for air.

"Mom!" I put her head in my lap and felt the hot, angry tears pouring down my face.

"Lay? Yixing?!" I looked up and saw him fall to the ground completely unconscious.

All the flowers in our kitchen suddenly wilted as my mom breathed her last breath of air.

"No...NO!" I screamed as I tried to shake her awake, that by some miracle, she would wake up. All the anger rose at once as I felt the fire slowly rise from my fury. I clenched my fists, and screamed. I closed my eyes, hoping to wake up from this bad dream but when I opened them up again, everything was in flames.

Lay's POV

It was the people who came for Rose but I had to protect her, there was no way I could protect her and save her mom. They must have seen me and used the sleeping poison.

When I woke up, everything around me was on fire, I saw Rose and she was lying down with her mom's lifeless body on her lap.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." She whispered. I quickly grabbed her hand and we ran.

We ran out of the burning house, and could hear the sirens, and we ran until we reached our cottage in the woods. We burst through the door, and she immediately fell to the ground, I caught her and held her in my arms.

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