}15{ Trapped

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Rose's POV

I woke up and expected to see Lay but all I saw was my empty bed and my open window. I closed my window.

I walked downstairs and rubbed my eyes tiredly.

"Morning, honey," mom said brightly as she was making waffles.

"Hey, kiddo, how'd you sleep?" My dad asked looking up from his newspaper.

"Great," I said sarcastically, "smells good, mom." I said and she turned around and flashed me a smile. Then the doorbell rang. I opened the door and saw Lay holding a flower in his hand, wearing a dress shirt and jeans.

I looked at him surprised before my dad walked over to the door, "Rose, who is it?" He looked outside the door and saw Lay. I never found out how my dad would react around a guy I hang out with...

"Oh, hello, how may we help you?" He asked politely

"I'm Zhang Yixing but you can call me Lay, I'm Rose's friend."

"Oh ok, well please come in," my dad gestured his hand to the inside of the house and Lay walked in with a nervous smile,"here, sit on the couch," I pulled his wrist and he stopped me and gave me the red rose he was holding.

"What's this?" I asked, looking at the red flower

"A rose. I saw it and I thought of you." He said and I took the flower while shyly smiling

"Guys, breakfast is rea- oh hello I don't believe we've met," mom wiped her hands on her apron and shook hands with Lay, "I'm Rose's mother."

"I'm Lay, I'm her friend," he responded

"Well, you're welcome to join us for breakfast if you would like, there's enough food to feed a village," my mom joked

"Oh, I would love to."

We ate scrambled eggs, waffles with syrup, strawberries, blueberries, and more fruits and foods. Lay and my dad couldn't stop talking about the woods and nature. I guess even without their powers, they still have that wolf instinct. I smiled at Lay and he looked over and winked at me.

"This breakfast was delicious, thank you so much," Lay said as he wiped his mouth with his napkin

"Oh, you're welcome, it was such a delight to have you here," she responded and smiled at my dad who smirked back at her.

"We're just going to be upstairs, thank you for breakfast, mom" I said and pulled Lay's hand upstairs

I closed the door and crossed my arms.

"What? They're nice," he said and walked around me, sitting on my bed

"You disappeared last night, you reappear today, shouldn't you be with Natalie or at her house or eating breakfast with her parents?!" I silently scolded him

"I don't want Natalie, you said it yourself, once upon another time we were in love, why can't we be in love again?"

"It wouldn't be the same...it just wouldn't...." I said and suddenly I heard a whoosh of wind as my window swung open

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