}06{ Sketch

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3 Years Later

News: Nobody has seen Rose Grayson since she disappeared after the burning of her house when she was 14 years old.

Lay's POV

"Whoo! We did it, gege! We survived high school!" I yelled. Today was graduation and we didn't want to go to college neither did we have enough money to so that meant the wildlife in the woods was for us.

"Group hug, guys!" Chanyeol pulled us all in for a hug. Then the bell rang and we ran back to the house.

Rose's POV

"You guys, I'm so proud of you!" I yelled as they ran into the house and I hugged every one of them.

"God, time to sleep," Baekhyun said as he walked towards his room.

I laughed and looked at Lay. He smiled at me and I smiled back

"I'm so glad school's over," I said

"Why? You weren't even the one doing the work!" He laughed and pointed at me.

"No, it's because now you guys can stay here with me more often now. It gets lonely, you know..."

"Do you remember when we first met and we had Chinese class and I told you I'd help you with your Chinese if you help me with my art?"

"Yeah." I laughed as I recalled the memory

"Why don't we do that?" He asked me

"Do you really want to?" I turned my head and looked at him

"Well, yeah, my art hasn't gotten any better..."

"Ok." I used my telekinesis and a pencil and a piece of paper floated into my hand. I put my pencil in my mouth and the paper on my lap and started to angle Lay's head. He grabbed my hands and stopped me

"What are you doing?" He looked at me seriously

"I'm going to draw you a self portrait, now stay still."

I fixed his hair, and started to draw.

Lay's POV

I watched her as she focused on the paper she was sketching on. After about 30 minutes, she finished.

"Here." She handed me the paper and I looked at her drawing.

"I'll teach you how to make your own self portrait," she said as she played with her bracelet

Rose's POV

I had discovered one more power over the years. One was I could transform into anyone I wanted to as long as I could imagine that person in my head or see them in front of me.

That night, all the guys drank to celebrate their gradations even though they are all under aged and I tried to get them not to drink too much, but apparently two or three shots can get them all extremely drunk. I only took one shot and I was also the only sober one.

"WHOOOOO!" Suho took off his shirt and started dancing on the table

"Suho! Get down from that table right now! Baekhyun, stop, you're not going to get a piggy back from Chanyeol." I grabbed Baekhyun by his wrist to make him stop

"STAHHPPP!!!" Baekhyun pouted and wrapped his arms around Chanyeol's legs.

"Baek- XIUMIN, LEAVE POOR FISH ALONE!" Xiumin was turning the water in the fishbowl into ice. I grabbed his hand to make him stop, he only giggled uncontrollably and fell to the ground.

"Sehun, we don't have any candy! Stop whining!" I yelled as Sehun started grabbing my arm and screaming for candy.

"Kai, you better get off of Kyungsoo right now..." Kai and D.O. were on couch the tickling each other.

"Chen, what are you doing?!" Chen was in the kitchen throwing eggs on the floor and laughing every time one hit the ground. I took the eggs from him, pried Sehun off my arm, and dragged pair by pair into bed.

Once all of them were fast asleep, I counted only 8. My eyes widened and I tried to remember who was missing, suddenly Lay stumbled through the front door.

"Hi..." he slurred.

"Where were you?" I placed my hands on my hips

"I went out and got you something, because guess why?" he pulled out a flower from behind his back, "I really, really like you."

He pulled my hand and walked over to the couch, he stumbled and fell on the couch with me underneath him. Before I could say anything, he wrapped his arms around waist, rested his head on me, closed his eyes, and fell asleep. I didn't want to move because I didn't want to wake him up otherwise he would never fall asleep.

'What if I like you too? But I don't want to lose you.' I thought and eventually fell asleep.

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